Sample Chapters: The Transformed Follower

Catching Our Attention

What does following involve? What does it commit us to? And most importantly, who exactly is it we are called to follow? Jesus did not say, ‘Come and find me.’ He said, ‘Come and follow me.’ There is a world of difference between looking for someone and being found by that person.

Throughout our lives we are all influenced by… Read More »

NEW NOVEL: The Bride

Female powerlessness meets the Father’s love in medieval Wales

‘I found Efa’s growing spirituality and gentle responses to those around her challenging, and was rivetted to the story.’
Claire Musters, writer, speaker, editor and host of the Woman Alive Book Club

The Bride’s leading lady, Efa, may be a noble woman, but she is as subject to the whims of the powerful men who surround her as any peasant might be. Thrust into a marriage she did not choose, and made mother to three neglected children, she is deserted by the man she loved and forced to… Read More »

NEW BOOK: Holy Grit

Are you a Christian? Or are you a disciple?

’Gives us a crystal-clear portrait of what it means to be a disciple.’
Phil Knox, Missiologist and evangelist at the Evangelical Alliance, author of The Best of Friends

Did you know that the word ‘Christian’ only appears three times in the Bible? But the word ‘disciple’ occurs more than 260 times? Today we tend to call ourselves Christians, rather than disciples – and of course there is nothing wrong with this. But do we miss something important when we think of ourselves in this way? Read More »

Sample Chapters: The Bride

February 1222, Swansea Castle
Efa slumped hard against the wall behind her, the rough stones tearing through the thin silk of her borrowed gown as she sank heavily to the floor. She felt it rip, felt the painful scrape of stone against flesh, but she did not care. She shut her eyes and clamped her hands to her ears, the thump of her heartbeat sounding loud in her head. If she could have hoped that this was all some sick dream… Read More »

Sample Chapters: Holy Grit

Learners and Doers

Two young men who came to our church for a while were talking to one of our leaders about the high value we place on discipleship at regen. One erroneously offered, ‘It’s not about us having to change; Jesus didn’t ask us to do that – He did it all on the cross.’ The other said he didn’t think discipleship was for him. It is tragic that these two guys viewed discipleship in such a warped way. Discipleship is for every Christian – no exceptions… Read More »

NEW NOVEL: Vision of Light

Hauntingly atmospheric thriller with a supernatural twist!

‘A dazzling feat of Christian fiction which keeps the reader intrigued throughout.’
Multi-award-winning author and podcaster Wendy H Jones

Haunted by a troubled past, divorced and in debt, Noel Reilly is already on the edge. But when his pregnant ex-partner is murdered and police view him as a suspect, he contemplates taking his life – before a mystical riverside encounter offers a glimmer of hope… Read More »

NEW BOOK: Pilgrimage and Promise

What went through Jesus’ mind as He approached Jerusalem for the last time?

‘This book is food for the soul.’
Rt Rev Mark Tanner, Bishop of Chester

The end of September marks the beginning of Sukkot, one of the three Jewish pilgrimage festivals. In Jesus’ day, the Jewish people would gather in Jerusalem to celebrate, ascending to the Temple and singing the fifteen ‘Psalms of Ascents’ as they went. It was on one of these festivals… Read More »

Sample Chapters: Vision of Light

I’d only planned to help the ones who are very confused, beginning with Elsie. That was before I found out that the old man had seen me.

It was lucky for me he got a water infection. Otherwise I wouldn’t have had a clue what he’s been saying. The manager asked me to check on him. The doctor had been in two days earlier, and started him on antibiotics. I found that pregnant carer Kylie in the room with him, the one who’s already got two sons by different men… Read More »

Sample Chapters: Pilgrimage and Promise


Some years ago, I walked with a close friend across the Swiss Alps from Chamonix to Zermatt. By day, we travelled along steep and sometimes dangerous paths with breathtaking views. By night, we enjoyed the hospitality of alpine huts and inns, with excellent food and comfortable beds. Each night, I read from a few pages torn from a scruffy paperback of the Psalms. Those pages consisted of Psalms 120-134, the Psalms of Ascents written for pilgrims on a journey… Read More »

Three Award Nominations!

We are delighted to share that three of our authors have been listed for awards in the past few weeks! So much time and effort goes into every one of our publications, and it is such an encouragement when authors receive public acknowledgements like this.

First up is Helen Parker’s young adult novel, Island Treasure… Read More »