NEW BOOK: Walking on Water

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How faith moved mountains to build a European-standard hospital in the Andes!

‘It can never be done!’ people said. But trusting in God, miracles have happened!

Living in the shadow of Machu Picchu, the impoverished and illiterate Quechua people of Peru had been largely forgotten by the world. Persecuted by their own government, around 300,000 Quechua women were forcibly sterilised between 1996 and 1998 as a brutal answer to dealing with the community’s poverty. But the Lord had another plan…

Around this time God started planting the seed of building a European-standard hospital for the Quechua people in the hearts of German missionary doctors Klaus-Dieter and Martina John. Following the Spirit’s leading, in 2003 they embarked on the faith-filled mission that would transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of Quechua people, and the lives of countless doctors and nurses who would respond to God’s call to go and serve there as self-funded missionaries.

The charity hospital they founded, through Diospi Suyana (Incan for ‘we trust in God’), has now treated more than 500,000 patients. It has expanded over the past twenty years to encompass a school, an orthopaedic workshop and an evangelistic media centre. An astonishing 150,000 private individuals, and some 230 companies, have given a total of around $40million to support the work, and the 200+ long-term western medical staff have raised their own support to fund their time with the charity.

‘I have seen God. How else could hundreds of thousands of Peru’s poorest people have the same medical treatment that you would receive in London?’ says Klaus. ‘Atheists are more moved by this story than Christians! People realise it is real and can’t explain it.’

Klaus travels all over the world, sharing the miraculous stories of provision for the hospital and testifying to the Lord’s power to open doors no one else could. In May, he will be touring the UK with the newly published English-language version of his book chronicling God’s ongoing provision for the hospital, Walking on Water.

‘Diospi Suyana is an exceptional project!’
ZDF Germany Public Television


Walking on Water by Klaus-Dieter John (ISBN: 978-1-912726-84-4) is published by Instant Apostle and is available on 21st June 2024 from bookshops and online retailers. Christian Life, paperback, 288pp, £13.99.


  • Klaus-Dieter John

    Dr Klaus-Dieter John gained valuable experience during his specialist medical studies at Harvard, Yale, Johannesburg and Berlin. Together with …

  • Walking on Water

    Klaus-Dieter John

    The indigenous Quechua people of Peru had been marginalised and oppressed for decades. But God had not forgotten them! When He called Drs Klaus and Martina John to build a modern European-standard hospital in the Andes, no one could have imagined the miracles that would follow...