A Journey into the Abundant Heart of God
‘Leads us on a gentle exploration of Christ’s teaching, helping us to marvel afresh at the Son of God, and encouraging us to consider where there may be room for improvement in our own lives.’
David Wilson, National Director at Precept Ireland
In 2 Corinthians 1:4, Paul talks about how we are able to comfort others in their troubles with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. It was in seeking to do just this that Carolyn Dawson found herself writing a popular devotional blog, and now The Narrow Path.
Writing was not new to Carolyn. She had spent her twenties writing worship songs and music, and visiting churches across denominational lines in Northern Ireland as a guest singer. Then, following the death of her beloved mother, and her own experiences of the isolation caused by the COVID restrictions, Carolyn began posting encouraging Bible devotions online. Knowing that many Christians would be struggling with feeling disconnected from their church fellowships, her hope was to share the abundant spiritual comfort she had experienced. Four years later, and the blog is more fruitful than ever!
Carolyn has covered a broad range of biblical themes, and delved deeply into the Old and New Testaments. Her gentle and inspiring new book, The Narrow Path, grew from four months she spent in the Gospels and the book of Acts, and draws richly on all the Scriptures. Covering why Jesus came, the nature of faith, the place of prayer, getting our attitudes right, realising our purpose, and embracing the cost and rewards of the journey, it is a perfect book for a new Christian or those looking to refresh their faith. It is very important to Carolyn that readers are encouraged and empowered to make practical changes to their lives, and with a degree in psychology and a background in counselling, she is well placed to ask perceptive questions at the end of each chapter to help us do this.
‘Through everything that I write, I want to encourage Christians in their daily walk,’ says Carolyn, ‘and to motivate them to read and search the Scriptures for themselves. I want us all to discover the richness of God’s Word; the depth of His love, mercy and grace towards us; the potential within us, granted by the Father, and the understanding of who we are as children of God.’
The path Christians are called to follow may be narrow, but it leads to abundant life. By listening attentively to Jesus’ voice, and leaning into all He has accomplished for us, we can be confident of staying the course.
‘Helps to unpack the key truths about who Jesus is, to emphasise his major claims and to encourage us towards the basic means by which his followers will grow.’
Rick Hill, Presbyterian Church in Ireland (Council for Mission in Ireland); author of Deep Roots of Resilient Disciples
The Narrow Path by Ruth Leigh (ISBN: 9781912726851) is published by Instant Apostle and is available on 19th September 2024 from bookshops and online retailers. Christian Life, paperback, 192pp, £12.99.