NEW BOOK: The cause and character of the Kingdom entrepreneur

‘Every founder, owner and manager in companies of any size or scale will find this book to be a vital asset’
Stephen K De Silva, CPA (retired), Author of Money and the Prosperous Soul

The coronavirus pandemic has ignited the UK’s strongest start-up boom in a decade, with a flood of new entrepreneurs.[1] But are there key lessons that might make all the difference to their success or failure? And for Christian business people and leaders, what does it mean to walk the entrepreneurial journey in partnership with God? Read More »

Sample Chapters: Risk, Reward and Values

Why Kingdom Entrepreneurs?
Key points
• The reward for the kingdom entrepreneur is to extend the kingdom of God.
• Redemption is the thread that runs through our enterprises.

We seem to be in an age when anyone who has a bright business idea and attempts to take it to market is called an entrepreneur. There is an increasing number of individuals who want to develop… Read More »

NEW NOVEL: Mystery-thriller tackles social justice issues for Gen Z

Generation Z has been making the headlines for everything from its different approach to skinny jeans to work-place expectations and company values. But if one thing stands out, it is an overriding concern with issues of social justice and the environment[1] – issues author Ben Mears tackles through his post-apocalyptic detective mystery series, Banyard and … Read more …

NEW BOOK: The revivals and miracles that heralded Elim Pentecostal’s birth

‘Conveys the excitement and the miracles – as well as the troubles – that attended those formative years.’ William Kay, Professor of Theology at Glyndwr University The Elim Pentecostal Church burst onto the national scene in the 1920s in a whirlwind of miraculous healings and tens of thousands of converts. Its founder, George Jeffreys, became … Read more …

Sample Chapters: The Shadow of Grayrton Mire


Sunday night, 4th Honourmoon 
Martha gripped the storm lamp, her knuckles blanching as shadows danced on the stone walls and timbers of the croft. Voices rose from the darkness outside: men approaching along the dry path from the village. A hammering at the door startled her. She spun towards the sound. Bit her lip. Turned on her heel again to sweep her lamp around, searching the kitchen… Read More »

Sample Chapters: God Is…


In our world of noise, time-struggle, cynicism, secularism and conflict on all levels, recovering our senses that we might see more, hear more and feel more may appear a step too far for many of us. With all the technological advances that should release us and make us time rich, we become exhausted and the notions of rest, recuperation and mindfulness are… Read More »

Sample Chapters: And They Came to Elim: Volume I


The story of the Elim Pentecostal Church in the UK is an inspirational and, at times, a miraculous one. Its beginnings, in particular, have that obvious touch of divine activity. Not only was the presence of God obviously experienced throughout the first twenty-five years of Elim’s existence, but… Read More »

NEW BOOK: ‘Hygge’ for the heartbroken

Danish winters can be long and dark – and yet the Danes are some of the happiest people in the world. Their winter practice of ‘hygge’ – something akin to ‘cosiness’ – is a key reason for this, transforming the bleakest season into one of connection and warmth.

In her stunning new book, Walking through Winter, Katherine Gantlett shows us how we too can… Read More »

NEW BOOK: A wife confronts the ‘giant’ of dementia

There are currently 700,000 people caring for family members with dementia in the UK, yet how many us know what life is truly like for these devoted companions?* Often their life and their identity, just like their loved one with the condition, is dominated by the disease. So how do they keep looking forward and put the ‘giant’ that dementia can seem to be, behind their back?

When Carolyn Donnelly’s husband was diagnosed with mixed dementia… Read More »