Is God Really Legit?

“Making sense of faith and science”

Neil Laing

ISBN: 9781909728837

160 Pages

Published Mar 2018

Christian Life

Paperback £8.99 Kindle £5.99
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God and science – you can’t really believe in both, right!?

Or can you??

Is God Really Legit? asks the tough questions and gives you the info you need to decide.

Do miracles happen? Is the earth 6,000 years old? What about the Big Bang? Who is God? And where? Is it creationism or evolution? Why Genesis 1? Is faith blind? What is ‘faith’ anyway?

Delving into all these questions and more, Neil Laing puts both God and science under the microscope. Exploring literal approaches to the Bible and purely scientific views of the world, he reveals how each has misunderstood the nature of faith and their own limitations. Might it be that a correct understanding of one actually builds faith in the other?

When it comes to belief in God, Neil shows that faith and science really do add up!

  • Is God Really Legit? is a good, accessible introduction to some of the big questions surrounding science and faith. Neil’s passion for the subject and experience working with young people makes this a truly engaging read, with plenty of helpful follow-up resources.

    Hannah Malcolm, 'God and the Big Bang' Coordinator @GatBB_UK
  • Easy to understand…helped [me] understand that there might be a relationship with faith and science

    Matt, teenage reader
  • Too often teenagers are not allowed to ask questions; many worry that questioning God is not OK. This book gives young people the chance to seek answers and think outside the box. It does not have all the answers, but then who does? What a great way to get thinking about God and some of the big questions we all have about life. If you do not come away from this book with more questions than when you started it, you are not reading it right!

    Dr Lesley Gray, Secondary School Teacher and Science and Faith Communicator

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