A Hand Stretched Across the Void

“How we discovered God was all we needed when God was all we had”

June Whitehouse

ISBN: 9781912726684

176 Pages

Published May 2023


Paperback £10.99
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Tracey dialysed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and regularly attended hospital clinics; how different her life was to most teenage girls – but if the right kidney came, everything could change!

This is the heartfelt story of a mother’s love and a daughter’s faith when confronted by life-threatening illness.

Sharing the miracles and the battles, June testifies to the ever-present love of God in the best and hardest of times, engagingly showing how we can overcome disappointment and loss by taking firm hold of God’s hand. The hope and joy He gave transformed her and her daughter’s Tracey’s lives, and can do the same for us.

Whatever void you may need to cross, find the comfort and courage to take hold of God’s hand – because when He is all you have, He really is all you need.

  • Sometimes you cry or laugh or get tense reading a book, but rarely do you experience all this and more! June’s story is deeply fascinating, challenging and impacting. I’m certain that as you read you will discover a God who loves you; the same Lord Jesus who is with June’s family and also with you, in every single circumstance.

    Rev Anne Calver, author, speaker, church leader, Unleashed overseer
  • This book is a beautiful story of love and loss, right and wrong, and what we will do for the happiness of those we love. Through the ups and down of life, June has trusted in God. Her faith in Jesus is all that June needed for strength and courage. I believe many people will benefit from reading this book.

    Millie O'Connor, Church Officer; Chair and founder of The Millie's Foundation

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