Shaun Lambert

Shaun Lambert is a writer, psychotherapist, mindfulness researcher, Baptist minister, and honorary mindfulness chaplain to the Scargill Movement. He is currently pursuing a training pathway in mainstream mindfulness with The Mindfulness Network, with a particular focus on interpersonal mindfulness.

He loves flat whites, newts, walking and the idea of wild swimming, and lives in Hampstead with his family when not in Yorkshire with the Scargill community.

Books by Shaun Lambert

  • Mindful Formation

    Shaun Lambert

    Our capacity for attention, assailed by the virtual world and the demands of modern media, is in crisis. Reclaiming our attention from their gravitational pull is the primary spiritual task of our time – and the goal of mindful formation. Sharing his own...

  • Putting on the Wakeful One

    Shaun Lambert

    Today's postmodern world is dominated by fear and a desperate search for wisdom and spirituality.

    How should the church respond to the opportunities this presents? As disciples of the Wakeful One, how do we...

  • A Book of Sparks

    Shaun Lambert

    'Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.' (Romans 12:2)

    In this second edition of A Book of Sparks, Shaun Lambert...

  • Flat Earth Unroofed

    Shaun Lambert

    The post-apocalyptic Land of Ge is ruled by a cruel despot with dark and mysterious powers. He is prepared to ravage the land and …

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