Flat Earth Unroofed

“A Tale of Mind Lore”

Shaun Lambert

ISBN: 9781909728059

177 Pages

Published Oct 2013

Young Adult

Paperback £7.99 Kindle £0.99
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The post-apocalyptic Land of Ge is ruled by a cruel despot with dark and mysterious powers. He is prepared to ravage the land and even sacrifice his own daughter, Mimne, to stay in power.

All that stands between Mimne and certain death is her friend Hudor with his mind lore and timecraft. Pursued by her father, further apocalypse threatens as dark creatures long foretold emerge from the mists of time to stalk the land.

And yet, it is not only evil that is stirring…

‘Do not read this dangerous book – I am hunting down the author in his world and mine.’ – The Necromancer

‘This book can only be read from the inside out.’ – The Daily Seer

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