Walking on Water

“God's ongoing faithfulness at Diospi Suyana hospital”

Klaus-Dieter John

ISBN: 9781912726844

288 Pages

Published Jun 2024

Christian Life, Latest Releases

Paperback £13.99 Kindle £5.99
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The indigenous Quechua people of Peru had been marginalised and oppressed for decades. But God had not forgotten them! When He called Drs Klaus and Martina John to build a modern European-standard hospital in the Andes, no one could have imagined the miracles that would follow.

They started with nothing: no money, no contacts, no equipment, no staff. But through earnest prayer and simple faith, the Diospi Suyana hospital in the Andes was established. In the face of much opposition, it has kept growing, and now encompasses a thriving school and media broadcasting centre.

‘It can never be done!’ people said. But the Johns continued to trust in God and, together with the many self-funding medical and specialist missionaries who have joined them, have seen God work countless miracles. For this is a story of faith moving mountains, and proving that Jesus is very much alive today!

  • Diospi Suyana is an exceptional project!

    ZDF Germany Public Television
  • A love story that is truly a life's work!

    Johannes B. Kerner, journalist and TV presenter

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