The Pilgrim

“Will a pilgrim's path be his saving grace?”

Joy Margetts

ISBN: 9781912726615

274 Pages

Published Jul 2022


Paperback £9.99 Kindle £5.99
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Driven by ambition and family expectation, young Henry de Brampton is determined to make his mark. Destined for a prestigious career in the Church, he readily embraces the chance to experience the world before taking his vows. But fuelled by selfish desire, he recklessly betrays those he loves, with devastating consequences.

Overwhelmed with guilt, he seeks redemption among the Cistercians of Abbey Cwmhir and finds a new identity as Brother Hywel. Yet a further thoughtless betrayal will prove he cannot escape himself, and he is forced on pilgrimage to save his vocation.

A reluctant pilgrim, can the unlikely company help him discover what it truly means to be great in God’s eyes, and will Hywel ever be willing not just to receive forgiveness but also to forgive himself?

A standalone novel and the prequel to The Healing.

  • This engaging novel retells the old story of the return of the prodigal. A medieval pilgrimage in north Wales has a variety of pilgrims, each carrying a burden the others know nothing about, and each meets with God and with His mercy and grace along the way. This is a book for those who go on pilgrimage – and for those who pilgrim in their chairs! A beautiful book that had me gripped by the story; it made me long to go on pilgrimage again, to meet with God as I walk and to experience even more of His mercy and grace.

    Penelope Swithinbank, chaplain at Bath Abbey, spiritual counsellor, author and pilgrimage leader
  • A timeless journey of love, loss and redemption played out across a compelling medieval landscape.

    Anne E Bailey, Historian, Oxford University
  • The Pilgrim is the story of not one but many journeys. It’s a wise and engaging tale, full of the bitter-sweet truths of life. Ambitious young warrior Hal discovers that actions are important and sin has consequences. As Brother Hywel, he joins a band of pilgrims, each of whom comes with their own hopes and frailties, and as they travel together, their desires and secrets are gradually revealed. The Pilgrim is a beautifully set novel, crafted with real compassion, revealing the truth that true pilgrimage happens in the soul, amidst tragedy, miracles and the gift of the peace of God.

    Andrew J Chamberlain, writer, presenter of The Creative Writer’s Toolbelt Podcast
  • With a real sense of place and time, and characters that pop from the page, this novel is a masterpiece of historical fiction.

    Wendy H Jones, author and writing coach
  • The Pilgrim is a beautifully told tale of encountering friendship, faith and forgiveness. A young man with so much promise is introduced to the ways of the world and soon falls foul of his foolish lust. Filled with shame and remorse, he yet remains determined to prove himself. He enters a monastic community, full of ambition, but his pride leads to another fall. Now a broken man, he is instructed to accompany a diverse group of people on pilgrimage. As he begrudgingly joins them, we begin to wonder – will he find his own redemption on this journey?

    Joy has a marvellous gift of storytelling. This is an easy-to-read book that drew me in, and I enjoyed spending time with the characters, especially Hywel. At the same time, The Pilgrim has depth that made me think and reflect. I found myself making my own spiritual pilgrimage as I joined Hywel and his companions travelling across the stunning countryside of Wales.

    Rev Peter Goodridge, Rector, St John’s Elmswell
  • Joy Margetts has done it again: a gripping historical novel which entertains and engages from start to finish, with wise spiritual insights every bit as relevant to twenty-first-century readers as to the thirteenth-century characters who are learning and living them. I was hooked from page 1, and stole any moment I could to read the next piece of the tale, which is full of unexpected twists and turns. The whole thing is beautifully written, with characters you can’t help but warm to, and gorgeous descriptions of the stunning Welsh scenery providing a backdrop to the unfolding drama. Like a modern-day Pilgrim’s Progress, The Pilgrim tells a story rich with drama, suspense and deep truths for any disciple of Christ. Read it if you want to walk closer with Jesus. Read it if you love a good novel. Whatever your motives, you’ll come away challenged and inspired.

    Lucy Rycroft, author and founder of

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