The Narrow Path

“Following the Teacher's lead”

Carolyn Dawson

ISBN: 9781912726851

192 Pages

Published Sep 2024

Christian Life, Latest Releases

Paperback £12.99 Kindle £6.99
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The path Christians are called to follow may be narrow, but it leads to abundant life. And it is a path we do not walk alone, for Jesus walks beside us every step of the way.

Taking us through the Gospels and other Scriptures, Carolyn Dawson reminds us of Jesus’ sovereignty, and of the intimate relationship we can have with Him. Grounded in these truths, we are empowered to live according to His teaching, and to embrace the cost and commitment of establishing deep-rooted faith. As our awareness of who we are in Christ deepens, we are invited to discover a joy-filled life with Him.

By listening attentively to the Teacher’s voice, and leaning into all He has accomplished for us, we can be confident of staying the course on this narrow path to eternal life.

  • Although we will not get everything right all of the time, we must never stop pursuing that goal, and the best place to learn is at the feet of Jesus.

    A great quote from this very practical book which hits the target in helping readers to grow in their faith. Whether they are at the start of their 'new life' or want an injection of encouragement, this straightforward book gives the material that is needed. It’s clear and accessible to all, and I can see it being helpful in many situations. The questions, application and prayer at the end of each chapter are great practical material and easy to use for one-to-one or small-group discussions.

    As a youth fellowship leader and elder, this is a book I would be glad to use in all sorts of situations.

    Trevor Long OBE, Clerk of Session at Rosemary Presbyterian Church, and Clerk of the North Belfast Presbytery
  • Carolyn Dawson leads us on a gentle exploration of Christ’s teaching, helping us to marvel afresh at the Son of God, and encouraging us to consider where there may be room for improvement in our own lives. Carolyn’s approach is simple: let’s listen to Jesus’ words and practise them. A great book for those young in the faith and those older!

    David Wilson, National Director at Precept Ireland
  • Our generation values customisation, personal shoppers, individual playlists and on-demand TV, all from a broad spectrum of choice. The concept of a 'narrow path' is counterintuitive and immediately unattractive in this context. However (as Carolyn articulates so well), it is this narrow path alone that offers life. In the pages of this book, you will be encouraged to connect with the Scriptures, encounter Jesus and consider how to follow Him in practical ways. Life in all its fullness is only available in Jesus.

    Carolyn shows how following Him (to the exclusion of all others) is the only path to redemption, reconciliation and eternal union with God. Jesus said that only a few find this narrow path.

    This book is a gift to the Church, and I trust it will serve as a signpost away from the broad road, away from destruction and to the small gate and the narrow path where Life is found.

    Michael Wylie, Pastor, Greenisland Baptist Church
  • In the Christian faith, we need to know who we are following, and this book helps to unpack the key truths about who Jesus is, to emphasise his major claims and to encourage us towards the basic means by which his followers will grow.

    Carolyn writes with clarity and has brought us a book saturated with Scripture, timeless in truth and accessible to all, regardless of age, stage or background. The Narrow Path will be a helpful tool for those who seek to grow in their own journey of discipleship. The questions at the end of each chapter offer opportunities for further personal reflection or group discussion. I heartily commend it to you.

    Rick Hill, Presbyterian Church in Ireland (Council for Mission in Ireland); author of Deep Roots of Resilient Disciples

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