Polished Arrows

“Becoming a ready arrow in the hand of God”

Jenny Sanders

ISBN: 9781912726783

304 Pages

Published May 2024

Christian Life

Paperback £12.99 Kindle £5.99
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‘He made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver’
(Isaiah 49:2)

Traditional arrow-making is a beautiful metaphor for how God works in our lives. Requiring great skill and artistry, elegant weapons are crafted from the rawest materials. Expertly guiding us through this process, Jenny Sanders astutely applies each step to our walk with God, showing how He deftly shapes us for His kingdom purposes.

Using reflective questions and rich biblical insights, Polished Arrows helps us respond well to these sometimes painful refinements, encouraging us that they are essential to us hitting our marks and fulfilling our callings. By trusting ourselves to the loving hands of our Master Craftsman and Archer, we will soon be ready for firing effectively into our culture and contexts!

  • This skilfully written devotional book is rich with stories and imagery, all set in the context of biblical truth. I would heartily recommend it to those who recognise their need to pause and re-examine their relationship with God.

    Steve Beegoo, Head of Education at Christian Concern
  • In Isaiah, God’s people are likened to arrows that are crafted by a master fletcher, but being so remote from those days the beauty of the metaphor is so easily missed by us. Jenny carefully and biblically takes us through each 'fletching' stage, showing how it relates to our day-by-day walk with God into His glorious purposes for us.

    I heartily recommend it.

    John Peel, former prison governor; retired pastor, teacher; Plymouth
  • It’s time for followers of Jesus to step up and press in. We’re living in a period of cultural turmoil that is desperately crying out for relevance and authenticity. There’s no higher calling than becoming one of God’s 'polished arrows' – ready, willing and obedient to His call. Jenny unpacks the process of how God makes His arrows ready to fulfil His purposes. Will you be one of them?

    Simon Guillebaud, evangelist, author, speaker, founder of Great Lakes Outreach, Burundi
  • This book is a challenging call to action for every Christian in a world, particularly the Western one, which seems to be falling apart and spiralling downwards into chaos with a lack of accepted morals and culture. It is life changing and brings home the reality of the spiritual battle we are facing.

    Alan Evans OBE, Church of England Licensed Lay Minister
  • In these post-Covid and uncertain times, the biblical metaphor of the Christian life being like that of a polished arrow in God’s hands is both refreshing and true. Jenny Sanders is an accomplished storyteller. She naturally retells familiar Bible stories and uses relevant anecdotes from life. If you want a reset on identity and what really matters in your relationship with God, then this is a great starting point.

    Phil Moon, school founder, teacher and course director, Christian Schools Trust
  • In this book, Jenny has wonderfully articulated the growth and preparation of a Jesus follower in an intimate and practical way by using the symbolic process of making and preparing an arrow. She gently exposes religiosity and explains kingdom life truthfully and beautifully while bringing a fresh understanding to the fundamental aspects of the Christian faith that are necessary for maturity. Using the penetrating personal questions at the end of each chapter will help disarm and strip us of religious thinking and practices.

    I have got to know Jenny over many years in South Africa. We have travelled from there into the central African countries to minister together. It was in these times that I got to know her well. She is quiet, observant and a meticulous thinker with deep prophetic perception. She is a polished arrow, which makes this book authentic. It is not written from word only, but from deed, which has clearly been accomplished in her through Jesus Christ.

    I highly recommend Polished Arrows as a must read.

    John Boerstra, pioneer, Apostolic Mission, Africa
  • Jenny has a very accessible writing style, weaving biblical truth together to help us understand how God wants to equip and shape us for life. This book is full of truth about the reality of how God enables us to overcome. It’s great Bible study material for personal or group use.

    Avril McIntyre MBE DL, Lifeline Church, Barking and Dagenham; Convener of BDCollective Executive Director, Community Resources
  • Jenny Sanders has written a very helpful book, carefully outlining the foundational truths of our faith. The metaphor of an arrow being made and polished ready to be sent to its target stops this being simply a set of static beliefs. The Christian is called to a purposeful life, sent out to accomplish what the Lord has intended for us to do. So this book helps not only to establish the believer but also to motivate and energise us to engage with His mission. I have often prayed for my own children that God would prepare them as arrows to be sent out to fulfil God’s destiny for their lives. May this book not only inform but also move you to action!

    Wendy Virgo, author and speaker
  • This book is a clear prophetic call for us to be made ready to effectively influence our disintegrating culture. Jenny skilfully takes the reader on a journey, weaving a captivating narrative through the stages and processes required to transform an obscure and unspectacular branch into a beautiful, unassuming, but deadly polished arrow. When such a weapon is put into the hands of the skilled archer, it is able to hit its mark with incredible accuracy and impact.

    She cleverly applies these processes to show how God is able to shape us into polished arrows who will cut through the fog and confusion that engulfs our world today. This is beautifully undergirded by using impactful stories of biblical characters that illustrate each part of the transformation.

    I have known Jenny for many years, and as I read her latest book I was again struck by the authenticity of her writing. She really tries to live this life out.

    Please read this book. Come to it with an open and an attentive heart, willing to be persuaded, hearing God’s gracious call to be transformed from one degree of glory to another. We need Jesus communities full of people that have been lovingly and carefully shaped to be able to pierce the hearts of the people and culture around us, to put to death the things that are misleading and confusing, and to bring to life a new hope and clarity.

    Ian Rowlands, church planting innovator, international speaker, mentor and coach; podcast host: ‘Hope in a Mad World’
  • As Christian people, how do we have maximum impact in a world that needs to see that God is alive and well? In Polished Arrows, Jenny Sanders takes us on a journey using the analogy of the process of arrow making. Bit by bit the craftsman transforms a stick into a lethal weapon. Under the hand of an expert arrow maker, a God who loves us, wants the best for us and has so much grace available for us, we too can become as polished arrows in His quiver (Isaiah 49:2). The process is not easy, and there are no short cuts.

    Jenny’s book is deep, thought provoking, challenging, grounded in Scripture, but needed. It is a call to spiritual maturity, a reminder that we are called, not only to be different, but also to represent God and His truth and to advance His kingdom. If you look at society and wonder how you can make a difference, how you can be most effective for God, then this book is for you.

    Joy Margetts, author of The Healing series and Christ Illuminated
  • Having known Jenny Sanders for more than fifteen years, it brought so much warmth to my heart to read her powerful book that not only explains what we should aim to become as Christ’s followers, but also depicts her life as I have witnessed with my own eyes. The unfamiliar territory and blurring of moral boundaries are crises that are worsening by the day here in Africa just as much as in Europe. In my country (Zimbabwe), the free-fall, as Jenny correctly describes, has left a lot of people, young and old, fleeing to other countries or simply retreating into their shells, as the prospect of being an audible voice of reason in society seems overwhelming and even dangerous. The debate of the role of the children of God in all of this has become a household conversation, with the solutions seeming more and more confusing by the day.

    Polished Arrows perfectly captures the frustrating and frightening position that most of us find ourselves in, but proceeds to answer the questions that we have, while simultaneously giving the ultimate solution for our fears and doubts: to become an arrow for God, resting safely in His quiver but ready for firing. It is for this reason that this book is not only an urgent tool that must be available on all the bookshelves around the world, but also one that leaders and Christians should use as a guide when discussing the role of an effective church in a world gone wild.

    To Jenny, thank you for being obedient to the Spirit of God and putting in writing what is so clearly a God-breathed message to His children. I cannot express enough how much this book will play a major role as we all allow God to shape us into His polished arrows.

    Pastor Andrew Simba, Glad Tidings, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Jenny uses this less-familiar biblical metaphor, along with Scriptures from the Old and New Testaments, to creatively encourage and inspire readers to purposefully pursue Jesus, readying themselves for His purposes.

    As with every metaphor regarding discipleship, each section overlaps other sections. I love her extensive use of Scripture, rooting the call to be honed by God which resurfaces throughout the Bible, and not just in the metaphor of creating an arrow. Jenny very clearly reminds us that discipleship is about joining God’s purposes and being used and useful to God rather than simply being a better person.

    Mark Madavan, senior pastor, Fishponds Baptist Church, Bristol
  • I love this book! Jenny masterfully employs the metaphor of how an arrow is made to mirror our development as Christians in our Master’s hands. There is SO much material covered that, while I believe it would make a great gift for a person new to faith (owing to it covering vital aspects of daily discipleship), it is also a rich resource for those who have walked with God for many years. I particularly loved how no subject was off limits – such as suffering and how it is a vital part of the process. It was also great to read the biblical examples provided in each chapter, as well as having anecdotes from Jenny’s own life. Finally, the questions at the end of chapters allow readers to really think about and apply the principles to their own lives.

    This is a fantastic resource – do get hold of a copy for yourself, and another to gift to someone else!

    Claire Musters, author, speaker, editor and host of the Woman Alive Book Club

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