Less than ordinary?

“My journey into finding my true self”

Nicki Copeland

ISBN: 9781909728004

87 Pages

Published Apr 2013


Paperback £7.99 Kindle £2.99
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Every one of us is born with great potential. Our life experiences, personality and self-opinions shape who we become, and what we do with that potential. Some seem to effortlessly soar, while others are left grounded and feeling distinctly “less than ordinary”.

Having struggled for much of her life with low self-esteem and lack of confidence, Nicki Copeland shares her personal journey into self-acceptance and growing belief in herself. She talks openly and honestly about some of the highs and lows of her life, and how she has begun to blossom into the person she has been uniquely created to be. Springtime can be a long time in coming, but it is all the more welcome for the wait!

  • This book is a beautiful illustration of the loving transformation that God can work in our lives. Nicki's story has deeply moved me as she has so courageously allowed the reader into her world, and by doing so challenges each one of us to trust and hope.

    Clare Lambert, church ministry leader and author of The Returning King
  • This is an easy-to-read, honest and thoughtful account of Nicki's journey from feeling 'less than ordinary' to feeling valued and worthy. Many women will relate to Nicki's feelings, and this book is a real encouragement to all, that with God's help and good friends we can become the person God wants us to be.

    Gill Barden, physiotherapist
  • The author's humble and open heart is spilled out on every page as she openly shares her own insecurities. It's refreshing, honest and real and includes scriptural encouragement. It will build up your heart and help you learn to love yourself.

    Caroline Gillespie, full-time mum
  • Aren't we good at hiding our real selves?

    Do you yearn for deeper and more trustworthy relationships, yet suffer from the pain of low self-esteem?

    This book is refreshingly honest and offers practical advice and wisdom to help reassure us that God has made us special and unique.

    Helen Parry Burns, Charity Accountant

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