Led to the Banquet Hall

“A story of a quiet confidence in a good God”

Gilana Young

ISBN: 9781912726301

228 Pages

Published Sep 2020


Paperback £9.99 Kindle £5.99
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Led to the Banquet Hall tells how God brought Gilana Young out of an appallingly abusive childhood to a place at His magnificent, healing table. Over decades of faithfully sitting with and following Him, she has come to experience nine precious gifts which are available to all His children – the gift of being called, of love, of forgiveness, of relationship, of adoption, of belonging, of restoration, of life and of ‘clothing’.

As she recounts her journey through various jobs, health challenges and relationships, we see God gently preparing her for each next step, including into ordination and hospice chaplaincy. The importance of spiritual retreats and immersing ourselves in Him is highlighted throughout as a key to enjoying the blessings of His banqueting hall.

As you read Gilana’s story, be inspired to reflect on your own walk with the Lord and what He may be saying to you now.

  • When I first met Gilana in 1982, I saw a young, determined, pioneering visionary. I had no knowledge of the suffering and appalling abuse she had already faced in her short life or that God would mould her in the years ahead through many further levels of pain. Read, reflect, cry, be inspired and, above all, allow God to speak to you through Gilana’s journey which is told with extraordinary honesty. Be reminded that God has a purpose behind suffering and uses circumstances to develop our character and a deeper relationship with Him.

    Richard Wallis, Founder and CEO of Mission Possible
  • If you are exploring your calling and think your back story is getting in the way, this is a must-read. A gentle and honest reflection on the inner and outer learning from one woman's vocation. Courageous and vulnerable.

    Claire Pedrick, Managing Partner 3D Coaching
  • This is a remarkable book. On the one hand it is a heart-warming story of immense courage and persistence matched by the immense graciousness of God, which has brought the author to a place of wholeness and joyful discipleship; on the other it is a book full of insight, advice and encouragement both in what makes for spiritual growth and what can be accomplished in ministry to those who are broken. This is the candid and challenging tale of a wounded healer who knows better than most that healing is a lifelong process.

    Rev Canon Michael Sansom, former Director of Ordinands, St Albans Diocese

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