June Whitehouse

June lives in the West Midlands and has been married to Clive for some sixty years!

They had two daughters and faced many traumatic times with Tracey’s life-threatening illness. Stretched far beyond her limits, she leaned into God, and her faith and love for the Lord became a pivotal part of her life.

June was a committed fund raiser and ambassador for Kidney Patient Associations, even undertaking a sponsored sky dive, and she was a leader at George Road community church, Oldbury

June is often on the receiving end of family pranks from her daughters and grandchildren, but secretly she loves them and is always ready for a good laugh!

Books by June Whitehouse

  • A Hand Stretched Across the Void

    June Whitehouse

    Tracey dialysed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and regularly attended hospital clinics; how different her life was to most teenage girls – but if the right kidney came, everything could change!
    This is the heartfelt story of...

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