Father Graham is an Anglican Priest from the Diocese of Chichester. After serving in parishes in Cardiff he was appointed a mental health chaplain in 1998 in West Sussex. He is also a priest oblate of the Order of St Benedict and regularly leads retreats at The Abbey of Our Lady and St John, Alton, Hampshire. His first book, Before Them Set Thy Holy Will, examined the role of iconography in pastoral care. He is married to Jackie and has a son, Alex.
Books by Graham Reeves
Two Other Men
All four gospels tell of Jesus being crucified between two thieves, but only St Luke's gospel records the final words of these other men. Why does he include these exchanges?
News & Reviews
Four Stars
Fascinating study of the two thieves crucified with Jesus of Nazareth.
His reference to "The Light of the World" painting by Holman Hunt in St Paul's Cathedral is riveting. This is a marvellous and deeply …
Who were they – and what lessons can we learn?
Why does St Luke, alone among the Gospel writers, let the crucified thieves speak for themselves and let the reader hear Jesus’ response?
23 Mar 2017