Mary Weeks Millard

Mary Weeks Millard has been writing book for young people since 2009. She is a retired nurse/midwife who lives in Dorset along with her husband, Malcolm, a retired Anglican minister. Mary has three married children and five grandchildren, her pride and joy.

After the death of her first husband, Philip Weeks in 2000, she began writing books, and these include 5 biographies, her autobiography and 25 books for children and teens. Her longing is to inspire young people to find faith and follow in the Christian way through their lives.

Her hobbies include reading, photography, art and crafts and walking by the sea. Her inspiration often comes from the beautiful Dorset countryside as well from her experiences as a missionary in East Africa.

Books by Mary Weeks Millard

  • The Runaway

    Mary Weeks Millard

    ‘Run, run, as fast as you can!’ – the cry rings out in Tiago’s ears as he flees his abusive step-father and the only …

  • Belle of the Ball

    Mary Weeks Millard

    When sixteen-year-old Lydia is voted Belle of the Ball, it is the best day of her life - but it soon becomes the worst …

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