David, when did you decide to write your story and why?
It was in 2016, when I initially felt that God had put on my heart He wanted me to write my testimony into a book. At the time I was working full time and although I knew He had spoken to me about it, it wasn’t the right time. At the end of 2018 I received two prophecies, right before I was going into a season of not working full time and I knew this was the time that God wanted me to write. I only decided to write because I knew I had heard God tell me to do it. I do also believe there is a purpose for the book to encourage believers to walk in deeper intimacy with Christ and also to enlighten those that may not know Him to know that there is a path where we can find true purpose in life fulfilled.
Rescue tells the dramatic story of how you came to faith – why did you decide to call it ‘rescue’ rather than ‘rescued’?
Initially I felt it was meant to be called ‘rescued’, however there was a very specific point at which I heard God speaking to me to name it ‘rescue’. I would say this relates to the fact that even as a believer, we need to live dependent upon God every day. There is a continual ‘rescuing’ that takes place in our lives as we choose to walk with Jesus.
How has the experience of writing Rescue impacted you?
It was a very emotional journey, recalling several memories and going back to some of the instances in the past reminded me of how faithful God has been to me. It was sobering to even think God could use me to write, let alone write a book. Throughout the journey of writing I had a fresh experience of God’s grace and goodness working in my own life.
Did you get input from friends and family for the book, or was it something you worked on alone?
I pretty much worked on it alone, I did go back and forth to ask stories about my childhood, but I mainly ended up with what I remembered myself.
What do you hope readers will take away from Rescue?
My main hope is that they will recognise that there is a God who so deeply loves them and that it draws them into an experience of their own. I also hope that many will be encouraged to walk in deeper intimacy with God. For those who may not know Jesus, my hope is that as they read my testimony they will find hope and recognise that there is a God who died for them and desires to have a personal relationship.
How did you find the publication process?
This was new to me, but it was a very good process. I was challenged in areas where I could work on and see things from a reader’s perspective which was very helpful when it came to amend and work on certain areas of the book. I found the process to be very professional and everyone involved was consistent and very easy to work with. I also found that the publication process has really enabled my book to be the best it could have been.
What one piece of advice would you want to give to a new writer?
Take your time, there is no rush.
What are you working on now?
We are currently in a season of laying down foundations for a church plant in the London area.
Finally, what is your favourite book and why?
This might be cliché, but I have to go with the Bible. It is this word of God that is able to bring a continual transformation on the inside of me and it enables me to know who God is.