
“From darkness to light”

David Harris

ISBN: 9781912726165

128 Pages

Published Jan 2020


Paperback £7.99 Kindle £4.99
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Rescue is the dramatic account of how David Harris’ life was transformed by a Spirit-filled encounter with Jesus Christ – an encounter available to all.

Brought up as a Christian, David turned from his parents’ faith to pursue a hedonistic lifestyle. But when he was suddenly brought face to face with his own mortality, things changed. Encountering the awesome reality of Christ, David was rescued from empty self-indulgence to pursue God with all he had. Passionately convinced that Jesus is the only One able to rescue, David teaches how we can all intimately experience Christ and shares faith-building examples from his own life.

Let Rescue inspire you to press in for all that God desires for you and serve as a guide to encountering Him more deeply yourself.

  • David’s words have been distilled in the presence of the One who holds his heart.

    Eric Gilmour, Sonship International
  • Preachers we have in abundance, but Kingdom voices have become exceedingly rare. Never have we lived in such a day where men and women sought platforms for themselves and the attention of human beings was valued more highly than the approval of Jesus Christ. I am so thankful that in the midst of the noise of Christian culture, there are still some who are only seeking to point to Jesus Christ. David Harris is such a man. The times that I have heard him minister have always left me hungry for more of Jesus and for the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. I believe that David is a man who is called by God like John the Baptist to declare to the nations, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” As you read Rescue, I pray that the Holy Spirit will set your heart on fire with love for Jesus Christ like never before. He deserves all of our love and our highest devotion!

    Lydia Stanley Marrow, Shake The Nations Ministries
  • In this awe-inspiring journey, dear friend David Harris takes us down the path of enlightenment, encounter and empowerment through the all-giving source of Life Divine. I believe this written experience will radically transform your life like never before. As you dive into this book, may you be forever branded by the burning love of Jesus Christ our Bridegroom King.

    Brian Guerin, Bridal Glory International
  • My wife Tahmar and I have come to know David and his wife Noreen as family. This book is a wonderful testament to the man I’ve come to know as a friend, and it helps the reader understand the pain behind the pulpit. This is not just David’s autobiography, but all of ours.

    We are invited into David’s deepest tragedies, losses and triumphs so we can find hope as we journey with Christ to navigate the many estuaries and marshy swamps of our own lives. David has found a hope in Christ that delivered him from drug addiction and the excruciating grief felt with the loss of a beloved father. His journey aids all of us to conclude that time is not the best healer – Jesus is!

    Tomi Arayomi, Tomi Arayomi Ministries

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