How can we support Christians who are released prisoners? – Stephen Dailly with Premier Christian Radio

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What comes to mind when you meet someone who’s been through the prison system? Are you more cautious when relating with them or do you intentionally avoid all contact if possible?

Every year, thousands of people are released from prison and back into the community, confronted by the stigma attached to having a ‘criminal record’ – and many of these are Christians.

Stephen Dailly began ministering in prisons in the 1990s and shares his experience and insight.

Listen to Premier Christian Radio Interview

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  • <a author="Stephen Dailly" href="'>

    Stephen Dailly

    Stephen Dailly studied English Literature and Classics at Keele University before teaching in a variety of schools and colleges for …

  • Working with Released Prisoners

    Stephen Dailly

    Every year, thousands of people are released from prison and back into the community. Many of these are believers in Christ, just like you and me.
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