Porn is everywhere – but does it have a cost?
What does the Bible say about porn and sex?
Hear Jack’s own story of porn addiction and being set free
Practical advice on dealing with porn and supporting others
A survey carried out by Premier Christianity Magazine in 2015 revealed that four in ten practising Christians in the UK suffer a porn addiction and over 50% say they view porn on a monthly basis. Thirty per cent of church leaders admitted to accessing internet porn more than once a month. Commenting on the results, Martin Saunders of Premier said, ‘Pornography isn’t just something unpleasant going on in the world; it’s right at the heart of our churches.’ Yet it appears to be overlooked as a problem within the church, as 90% of survey respondents believe the church does not adequately support those with a porn addiction.
Jack Skett, a Christian who had a porn addiction, has written a book which tackles the subject head-on. ‘Sexual desire is a trait shared by all people,’ he writes. ‘By some it is considered to be a snare from which one should flee, and by others a normal part of life which should be embraced in whatever context one chooses. Both of these extreme viewpoints can, in their own way, lead to someone using pornography.’
Born out of the author’s own struggles, A Better Kind of Intimacy shares Jack’s testimony of being set free by Christ from porn addiction and coming to a healthy understanding of sexual desire. Dispelling porn addiction’s stigma, he examines the cultural trends that can make porn – in all its forms – so hard to avoid and asks what the Bible has to say.
Offering practical advice on dealing with porn and for supporting others struggling with it, this is a perfect book to read as a small group or with an accountability partner. The insightful questions and challenging reflections at the end of each chapter will spur you on towards the life-giving intimacy that is found in Christ. A better kind of intimacy is possible, and Jack shows why it is worth the fight!
‘Pornography may never be completely eradicated from our society,’ writes Jack, ‘but I believe that its hold over the lives of individuals can be broken by the power of God. For our part, we can seek to attain a healthy view of sex, in order to better understand why God created it and therefore why pornography distorts it. We need to rediscover the gift of intimacy – something pornography promises, but fails to produce. I write this from experience, as a “survivor”.’
‘Refreshingly honest, clear, inspiring and practical. This book is a vital contribution to the pursuit of holiness in a digital age.’
Gavin Calver, Director of Mission for the Evangelical Alliance.
‘Jack has given us a gift – a candid discussion about a crucial topic that we must engage with. A fantastic mixture of real stories, real warnings and real hope. Read it!’
Tim Alford, Director of Limitless, the national youth department of the Elim Pentecostal Churches.
A Better Kind of Intimacy by Jack Skett (ISBN: 9781909728813) is published by Instant Apostle and available on 18th January 2018 from Christian bookshops, bookstores and online retailers. Non-fiction, 160pp, £8.99.