
“Giving our everything to the One who is our everything”

Duncan Clark

ISBN: 9781912726462

160 Pages

Published Jul 2021

Christian Life

Paperback £9.99 Kindle £5.99
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‘Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly’
Numbers 14:24

How are you living your life? Are you half-hearted or WHOLEHEARTED?

In this dynamic and accessible book, Duncan Clark casts an inspirational vision of what life is like when we fully commit to God and all He has for the one life we have been given. Using the Old Testament story of Caleb as a foundation, we learn what it looks like to live a life wholly devoted to God.

Insightful questions and a ‘Habits for the heart’ guide make this a perfect book to read with other people who also know that the transformation of their lives starts with the reshaping of their hearts. Follow in the footsteps of Caleb and be WHOLEHEARTED for God!

  • Duncan’s words pulsate with life and invite us to discover again that to be truly alive is to let God’s heartbeat be the rhythm of our existence. Here are the words of a man who has allowed God’s presence to become his priority and God’s purposes to shape his daily choices. Wholehearted beckons me into greater intimacy with God, greater freedom in God and greater hope from God. Chapter by chapter, line by line, sometimes word by word, Duncan weaves a tapestry of possibility. His book lifts our vision of what it means to flourish toward heaven while rooting us in the here and now of God’s kingdom.

    If we will let it, Wholehearted will liberate us from the mediocrity of programmed, predictable Christianity and propel us into the wild, beautiful landscape of a soul captivated by God. Not what God can do, not what God commands, not even what God requires, but God: the Father who loves us, the Son who embraces us, and the Spirit who transforms us. He calls us to be people whose hearts are set on God, and Christ-followers who love God above everything else. It’s a beautiful, evocative and live-giving book, a breathing hole for those whose relationships with God have become frozen by predictability.

    Malcolm Duncan, pastor, author and international speaker
  • When someone we respect asks us to prioritise something 'above all else', it leaves little room for any ambiguity of its importance. The book of Proverbs says, ‘Above all else, guard your heart’ (Proverbs 4:23) – but just how do we do this? Wholehearted answers this question, and it does so with beautiful clarity, accessibility and insight. This great resource illuminates the inner part of our lives, giving us an opportunity to be searched and empowered for greater fruitfulness. This book will both search and inspire you to be “wholehearted”.

    The best books I have read don’t just address interesting topics or contain well-written thoughts, but they also flow authentically from the writer’s heart and experience. This book has been lived by Duncan and has overflowed to the pages of this book. I believe it will also overflow to the reader and help them live “wholehearted” lives for God.

    Mark Pugh, Lead Pastor, Rediscover Church, Exeter
  • Wholehearted has been both an inspiring and challenging read. Duncan has captured so beautifully what it means to be completely sold out to the Lord in this day and age. My heart has been so stirred by this book. I believe it will be a blessing to anyone seeking to go deeper in their relationship with the Lord.

    James Aladiran, Founder and Director of Prayer Storm
  • Amen! This is the word that best captures my reaction to the insights mirrored in the pages of this book, which I found to be such a sincere invitation for inward looking at life. My dear friend Duncan discusses germane points and provides pertinent life principles based on reflection on Caleb’s life and his ministry experiences as well as an earnest desire to live a life of wholeheartedness – a life worthy to live.

    Indubitably, this work is a great reminder that life is a function of heart. Life is shaped, lived and destined by the condition of heart. What is saved in the heart either saves or destroys life, depending on its source. When the heart is properly guarded, life is guarded. These and so many more nuggets of truth/wisdom are judiciously explained and readily available, to be mined during a time intentionally allotted for self-reflection in the presence of God’s word and the Holy Spirit. This is not only a book, but also an honest friend, that speaks the truth in love. My earnest appreciation to Duncan for this work and for the invaluable friendship in the Lord and in ministry particularly to children.

    Tsehaywota Taddesse, National Director, Compassion International Ethiopia Office
  • This timely and engaging book has designs on us. It is literally after our hearts. Duncan asks practical but penetrating questions not just about what has been but about what life could be like from now on. What if every follower of Jesus chose to live a life of full devotion? What if every local church was serious about living wholeheartedly for Jesus and serving Him unreservedly in their community? Duncan invites us to believe that the God who stirs and speaks to our heart will also renew our hearts and enable us to live wholeheartedly for Him for the rest of our lives. Read it and tell all your friends.

    Chris Cartwright, General Superintendent, Elim
  • Duncan has written a book that will inspire and equip you to wholehearted living. From years of personally putting this into practice, he offers us insight, wisdom and practices that we can embed into our own discipleship and leadership. Many of us begin with wholehearted devotion, and this book, drawing on the life of Caleb, is an opportunity to review and reset. As you prayerfully read this book, may you be drawn into an ever-deepening relationship with the One who calls us to follow and walks with us on the journey.

    Sarah Whittleston, Co-Lead Pastor, Elim Life Church; National Prayer Leader, Elim Prayer

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