Tracks of Trustworthiness

“Biblical and contemporary insights for church or charity trustees”

Heather Wraight

ISBN: 9781912726295

304 Pages

Published Oct 2020

Mission and Leadership

Paperback £10.99 Kindle £6.99
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Are you a charity trustee or PCC member?

Fulfilling such legal roles with skill and integrity is fundamental to the success of any charity or ministry, and can feel like a daunting task – but this need not be the case.

Sharing incisive examples from her own and others’ experience and looking at the lives and administrative gifts of Nehemiah and Daniel, Heather Wraight shows us how being a Christian trustee need not be a burden to carry but a privilege to fulfil. With clarity and precision, Heather outlines trustee responsibilities, both legal and otherwise, and provides carefully researched examples of how they can be met together with a comprehensive guide to further resources.

Whether it’s running and preparing for meetings, succession planning, overseeing budgets, or adjusting to statutory changes, this book reveals distinctive, well-worn tracks of trustworthiness that Christian trustees can confidently follow.

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  • If you are involved with a Christian charity, this is a comprehensive compendium of useful knowledge for you! Charity governance and practice is a changing landscape which needs a fresh map. Heather Wraight has been able to draw on her own experience, as well as on extensive research, to give practical advice and numerous examples, so that charities can be more fruitful and accountable. Theological precedent is also explored using the examples of Nehemiah and Daniel in particular.

    Rev Canon David Casswell, One Voice York
  • The responsibilities and challenges for those who are trustees of churches and charities can seem to be increasingly onerous. Good governance requires attention to dimensions of charity law as diverse as financial probity, safeguarding and the monitoring of five-year plans and strategic aims – these in addition to the spiritual demands of Christian leadership. No wonder many ask, “Who is sufficient to these things?” Well, becoming equal to such a task has just been made easier by Heather Wraight’s overview of the role and work of trustees in a Christian context. Every charity trustee – Baptist deacon, Anglican PCC member and their equivalents, whether new to the task or an “old hand” – will benefit enormously from reading this book and implementing its wisdom.

    Rev Dr Paul Goodliff, General Secretary, Churches Together in England
  • I can remember Heather Wraight’s frequent observation, as Christian Research published its UK Christian Handbook, that there were so many new but poorly run charities which had poor capacity and weak governance. Heather has answered this thoroughly with a helpful and accessible overview of what it takes to run a charity with integrity and efficiency. The major issues are covered with appropriate biblical input and examples, written in a winsome and non-critical style but compiling the insights from many interviewees who have been at the forefront of running charities. A helpful, non-technical resource for us all.

    Dr Chris Wigram, former International Director, European Christian Mission, OMF UK National Director and Chair of Board of Global Connections

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