To the Fourth Generation

“A family's search for truth and forgiveness”

Chick Yuill

ISBN: 9781912726264

272 Pages

Published Sep 2020


Paperback £9.99 Kindle £1.99
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Zander Bennings’ writing has brought him a lifestyle his parents and grandparents could never have imagined. But when he is confronted with the cold reality that his success is built upon a lie, he is plunged into a desperate search for truth and forgiveness.

Delving into his family’s past, through the battlefields of World War One and down the three generations before his own, he discovers that the men of his family have each been forced to embark upon this same unsettling quest.

Tracing their lives, and those of the women who held the family together, Zander discovers the search is not in vain and that, while family ties can be broken, they can never be truly severed – even to the fourth generation.

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