The Crucible of Leadership

“Learning from the story of Moses”

Alan Wilson

ISBN: 9781912726578

224 Pages

Published Jun 2022

Mission and Leadership

Paperback £10.99 Kindle £5.99
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In this innovative and accessible book, Bible college lecturer and experienced pastor Alan Wilson explores nine striking leadership lessons from Moses’ remarkable life.

From a precarious birth in Egypt, through to decades of exile in the wilderness and responsibility for a reluctant nation, Moses was familiar with the crucible. Yet his responses made him one of the greatest leaders in Israel’s history, and have much to teach us about how God works throughout our lives to shape us and our calling.

Whether you are just entering into leadership and wondering where it may take you, or are well travelled and wondering how to finish well, The Crucible of Leadership’s foundational insights and vital questions will mature your relationship with God and give you wisdom for the journey ahead.

  • Forgive an old preacher’s use of alliteration but this book is informed, insightful and interesting. It is not a collection of opinions but provides an informed consideration of leadership, underpinned by the careful use of Scripture, wide reading and recent research. It is insightful, legitimately drawing attention to many features in Moses’ life, several of which are personally quite challenging, which have relevance for our own lives as leaders. It trips along at a good pace with something fresh always ready to maintain interest in the next page. In the crowded shelves of books on Christian leadership this deserves a place. Even better, it deserves to be taken down from the shelf and eagerly read.

    Rev Dr Derek Tidball, former Principal of the London School of Theology
  • In this gem of a book, Alan Wilson combines the fruit of many years of reflection on the practice of leadership, both his own and that of others, with profound insights into the wisdom Scripture offers around the exercise of godly leadership. With its emphasis on the personal formation of the leader and on some of the core habits and practices that lead to both faithfulness and effectiveness, this is a resource whose careful study will be of equal benefit to seasoned leaders, those in the early stages of a leadership journey and those preparing for leadership.

    Rev Canon Ian Parkinson, author of Understanding Christian Leadership
  • The story of Moses is a rich store of wisdom for leaders and those aspiring to leadership. Alan Wilson has unearthed some gold nuggets that will inform and inspire.

    Ian Coffey, Acting Principal, Moorlands College
  • We loved Alan Wilson’s book. The life of Moses is covered in depth with insight and accuracy. Alan captures the heart of the story with empathy (he’s been there) and with practical steps and application which will help any Christian enhance their walk with Christ. The chapters on wilderness and God’s love for a leader are exceptional. I wish we had read this book forty years ago – it would have saved us from a few blind alleys! Take your leadership through the book, preach through it, recommend it and you and your church will be incredibly blessed.

    Paul and Priscilla Reid, CFC Belfast
  • With a clear and accessible style, Alan Wilson shows us from the life of Moses something of the demands, frustrations and rewards of effective leadership of the people of God. By faithful exegesis and application of the text of Scripture, he explores how God can take the inadequate and failed person to do extraordinary things as a leader in their church. To lead like this there are certain things we need to know, which we discover in the life of Moses. This book therefore should be a primary resource for leaders and potential leaders in today’s church.

    Dr Trevor Morrow, Minister Emeritus, Lucan Presbyterian Church
  • As a leader in my thirties with still so much to learn myself, I am delighted that Alan has put pen to paper to bring us this comprehensive view of leadership. I have valued the teaching and advice of the author first-hand and the words you are about to read are peppered with the same wisdom, humility and passion as he brings in person. With a comprehensive journey through the life and leadership of Moses, Alan’s writings are both deeply biblical yet intensely practical, and the personal insights from his own ministry alongside the lessons he has drawn from fellow leaders and authors make for a rich resource. The book will remind you of your primary identity, reassure you in the midst of personal crisis, reorient your view of leadership and reveal a mix of fresh insights and ancient truth that will enrich your leadership.

    Rick Hill, Presbyterian Church in Ireland; author of Deep Roots of Resilient Disciples
  • Few things are more important than wise leadership in every area of life. Thank you, Alan, for a great book identifying vitally crucial leadership lessons. Skilfully and thoughtfully you highlight, from the life of Moses, some priority and very timely issues for all in leadership. Your book is biblical, practical and totally life related. Leaders are always wearing L-plates, and this book will not disappoint all who are eager to learn more about being wise leaders!

    Bishop Ken (Fanta) Clarke, author of Going for Growth
  • In The Crucible of Leadership: Learning from the Story of Moses, Alan Wilson looks closely at the highs and lows of Moses’ life and ministry to draw out important lessons for Christians in leadership. This engaging book, illuminated with biblical insights and personal illustrations, draws out vital principles for wise leaders. From foundations and formation to finishing well, The Crucible of Leadership focuses on character rather than charisma, on integrity and identity rather than skills or techniques. Enriched as it is from the author’s own wide and long experience of leadership, the tone is gentle and humble, pointing always to the central place of a relationship with God at the heart of the leadership journey. Highly recommended!

    Ruth Garvey-Williams, Editor of VOX magazine
  • This is a book that draws you in and feeds your soul. Each chapter is packed with wisdom and insight, with Alan’s pastor’s heart setting a gracious tone that is evident throughout. In this book we have a perceptive collection of thoughts on leadership that speak with timely accuracy to our leadership practice, as well as prophetic revelation to always keep our eyes and ears on God Himself.

    Dr Helen Warnock, Former Principal of Belfast Bible College
  • As the title of this book wisely suggests, development of God-centred leadership is difficult and a lifelong process, yet it is so deeply fulfilling and so desperately needed in whatever sphere of influence God has led you into. For me, the crux of this intentional development is an ongoing grasp of Alan’s chapter 5 heading: ‘Wise leaders know that God loves them’. It seems such a simple thought, yet how easily is it forgotten! I’m thankful for that crucial reminder, and for everything else that ripples out from such a foundational truth.

    Edwin Backler, Company Chairman and Leadership Coach
  • At a time when many feel discouraged and disorientated, this book carries a timely message to strengthen, challenge and reorientate those called to lead. From the depths of Alan’s personal experience, wide research and insightful biblical reflection, I believe this book will both stimulate your thinking and stir your spirit.

    Rev Simon Genoe, New Wine Ireland
  • In a well-populated market of books on leadership, Alan Wilson’s treatment of the theme sets itself apart by being sensitive to the text of Scripture and attentive to the real-time rigours of leadership. Microscopic in its assessment of Moses’ leadership, empathetic in its approach to the reader and synthetic in its combination of precept and narrative, this text occupies a vital space among literature dealing with the formation and maturation of the leader’s heart and life.

    Pastor Andrew Roycroft, Portadown Baptist Church
  • I am drawn to leadership books that reinforce the truth that successful leadership is about more than how many people follow you or what you have accomplished, but rather about who you are becoming. Christian leaders need to always remember that they are being called and crafted by God, are in an ongoing process of spiritual growth, and are dependent on the gifts of others. Leadership doesn’t belong to us but to the One who has called us and loves us. Employing the story of Moses, The Crucible of Leadership is a powerful, personal, and practical reminder of all of these things. There is no leader who wouldn’t benefit from this book.

    Paul David Tripp, Author of Lead: 12 Gospel Principles for Leadership in the Church and New Morning mercies: a Daily Gospel Devotional
  • The subtitle of this most helpful book is Learning from the story of Moses. But in just ten, punchy chapters, we are introduced to a wide range of biblical characters and truth. It is a goldmine of pithy quotations, great illustrations, and insightful and wise practical and pastoral applications. Timely, biblical, well-written and researched, it certainly has done me a power of good, and I believe it will do the same for any reader. Highly recommended!

    Dr Steve Brady, First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman; President, Moorlands College

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