How do our views of God impact the way we do mission?
Does our outreach reflect the full nature of the Trinity?
Informed by the work of leading thinkers in theology and missional community, Andy Hardy shows how essential it is for us to understand the triune community at the heart of God when seeking to share the gospel. A vision of the love-fuelled, communal life of Father, Son and Holy Spirit can re-shape church DNA and enable us to experience much deeper fellowship together. As radical change occurs in the lives and relationships between people in our own Christian communities we will be empowered to take that depth of community into the secular spheres around us. This communal, relational incarnation of the love and heart of the Trinity will present an enticing picture of God to the world around us.
Pictures of God will empower your missional church to frame its shared identity on a full, triune picture of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.