Pictures of God

“Shaping Missional Church Life”

Rev Dr Andrew R Hardy

ISBN: 9781909728400

254 Pages

Published Jan 2016

Mission and Leadership

Paperback £9.99 Kindle £6.60
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How do our views of God impact the way we do mission?

Does our outreach reflect the full nature of the Trinity?

Informed by the work of leading thinkers in theology and missional community, Andy Hardy shows how essential it is for us to understand the triune community at the heart of God when seeking to share the gospel. A vision of the love-fuelled, communal life of Father, Son and Holy Spirit can re-shape church DNA and enable us to experience much deeper fellowship together. As radical change occurs in the lives and relationships between people in our own Christian communities we will be empowered to take that depth of community into the secular spheres around us. This communal, relational incarnation of the love and heart of the Trinity will present an enticing picture of God to the world around us.

Pictures of God will empower your missional church to frame its shared identity on a full, triune picture of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • Pictures of God combines a profound theological understanding of God and God's purpose in the world with applied wisdom for the Church in a complex, diverse and pluralistic twenty-first century context.

    Founded in the Bible and widely read in history and sociology, with a wealth of contemporary illustrations, this book offers insight and challenge for Christian disciples and leaders in every context.

    Reminding us of the relational nature of God and the dynamic mission that flows from the Trinity, this demanding and inspired volume will refocus communities on Christ Jesus. Jesus' desire to draw all people to Himself in a new identity of love and service will flourish as we seek to put the principles of Pictures of God in to practice.

    The Rt Rev David Urquhart (Bishop of Birmingham)
  • For those used to a logo-centric style of doing theology, Pictures of God: Shaping Missional Church Life may come as a surprise. Launching from the certainties of the word through to the "impressionism" of images may seem to jettison unchangeable securities, but as Andy Hardy's survey shows, this is precisely what Scripture itself does. Fresh images are themselves demanded by new forms of Christian community and experience, both in the first century and today. The emerging church context of this book calls for integrated contextual theology of this kind. It shows how the movement from practical engagement to theological reflection to transformative response and back again actually works. In opening up divided communities to the mission of God, Hardy shows how God's triune nature may be newly comprehended in multicultural terms.

    Dr John Moxon, Senior Lecturer in Ministerial Theology, University of Roehampton, London
  • This is a rare but vitally important text that combines passion for mission, academic rigour, and an embracing overview of key issues in contextual contemporary ministry. Having worked with Andy over a number of years in academic teaching, shared writing and local ministry engagement, I know this book is a genuine expression of his own heart.

    The kind of leadership we need today is from those who will take risks, who will pioneer and learn to live and lead outside the comfortable frameworks to envision and enable something new. It is my belief that this work is an important tool that can aid in this discovery and release of new kinds of leadership that will encourage dreaming of the kingdom to come in our day. The prophetic insight that he brings should enable all those who read and work with this volume to discover the missio Trinitatis as a living and empowering presence to enable authentic missional leadership and ministry in the twenthy-first century.

    Dan Yarnell, National Coordinator, the Fellowship of Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland
  • Pictures of God: Shaping Missional Church Life is a rich gift to those of us who are intentionally seeking to enflesh Christian communities in cities, suburbs and villages. Moving between biblical, systematic, cultural and visual disciplines Andy Hardy opens important vistas for teachers, practitioners and students. This rich resource weaves together vital ingredients while always offering space for application in local and specific contexts, and that enables the reader sight of the creative work of the Holy Spirit. This is a fine example of theological reflection at its best and now sits on our essential reading list for those we teach and research with at Stirling.

    Dr Andrew Menzies, Principal, Stirling Theological College – University of Divinity, Australia
  • In the book Andy unpacks his central idea: that the Trinity, as a multicultural missional family, should be a model of mission that welcomes all peoples, in our multicultural societies, to be a part of and play their part in God's family, made up of all peoples. If you want to find out how Andy's thesis relates to you, you need to read his fascinating book yourself.

    Dave Andrews community worker, activist and author of A Divine Society: The Trinity, Community and Society
  • People are moving as migrants around the world as never before. The arrival of so many from other continents to the shores of western lands produces fascinating challenges and opportunities. Andrew Hardy's motif of "pictures" of God provides a fascinating canvas for seeing afresh the opportunities before us.

    Martin Robinson, CEO of ForMission and Principal of ForMission College, Birmingham

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