How did a middle-class Northern Irishman settle in inner-city Manchester and co-found a community response to gun and gang crime? What does putting out the bins in a multi-ethnic, terraced street have to do with mission? Why is ‘where’ as important as ‘what’ for Christian service, and what is The Question Not Being Asked?
In this provocative and engaging book, Paul Keeble shares his story of living long term in a deprived, inner-city community, not as a flag-waving missionary but as a resident and neighbour who is a follower of Jesus. During more than 30 years of listening, learning, building relationships across cultures and religions, sharing concerns and seeking the common good, God has evolved his thinking from ‘mission-to’ and ‘mission-for’ towards what he calls ‘mission-with’ – an incarnational model that takes mission beyond events and projects and into everyday life.
Sharing and reflecting on examples from his own experience and exploring the wider theology of mission, Paul encourages us to consider the whole-life nature of Jesus’ calling and to see that through ‘mission with’, God can make something out of the ordinary.