Intentional Mentoring

“Empowering a Generation: One Person at a Time”

Paul Wilcox

ISBN: 9781909728806

176 Pages

Published Jan 2018

Mission and Leadership

Paperback £8.99 Kindle £5.99
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Mentoring… it’s discipleship with a kick!

As a mentor with more than 20 years’ experience, Paul Wilcox is well placed to explore the construction process that is involved in making disciples, and also the personal journey of the mentor. Riddled with dos and don’ts, top tips and pointed questions to aid reflection, Intentional Mentoring shines a light on these precious relationships and gives confidence to those who just don’t know where to start.

With relatable autobiographical detail, considerable coal-face experience and lashings of grace, this book affirms those who are already mentoring and applies the proverbial spur to the backside of those who think they might like to have a go! Through a story-telling style that is earthy and authentic, challenging and biblical, this little volume will be a well-thumbed resource for helping usher in God’s Kingdom into the lives of future mentors and mentees alike.

  • Paul Wilcox is a highly skilled practical theologian and mentor, which makes him an excellent person to write this clear and fascinating book. At the centre of Paul's mentoring is his commitment to listen and to really care about everyone he mentors. This is a timely book for anyone wanting a deeper look at the importance of radical discipleship and mentoring. I thoroughly recommend it to you.

    Wendy Beech-Ward, Events and Ambassadors Director at Compassion UK
  • Paul's heart for mentoring others infectiously leaps off every page of this book, empowering & equipping us to raise up Elishas with the help of Jesus.

    Anne Calver, Assistant Minister at Stanmore Baptist Church
  • Paul is a God-inspired mentor and motivational speaker. He applauds and generously encourages his mentees to become all that God created them to be. He is a great enabler in supporting the mentees to apply spiritual truths to their lives in practical ways. In this book, Pauls personal story of sharing his heart and the discipline of the mentor is filled with nuggets of gold about the process of effective spiritual mentoring.

    Alison Cansdale, Mentor, Trainer and Supervisor
  • This book is promoting an idea that mentoring equals kingdom breakthroughs; that there is a type of relationship between a mentor and mentee available that actually means the kingdom of God breaks through as a result – BIG Statement. In my experience this is totally true – if you do not have a mentor get one and then be one.

    Ian Colvin, Chubby City Boy, aka Headhunter
  • Intentional Mentoring is a gift to the church, and a huge "bang of the drum" for mentoring. I encourage you to not only read it, but to take your time digesting the message of purpose and passion that comes from it. Mentoring matters!

    Dave Cokayne, Ordinand in the Church of England
  • Paul writes with honesty, vulnerability and integrity, out of the wealth of his experience. It is packed full of practical wisdom born from years of walking the walk. His challenge of discipleship – that our own faith needs to be consistently maturing as we seek to help others on their own journey is a timely one to the church. Be inspired then go and do likewise.

    Jo Frost, Director of Communications and Marketing, Evangelical Alliance, London
  • This is the book on Christian Mentoring I'd like to have written myself! It is practical, relevant, challenging, humble, extremely accessible and rooted in personal experience with the potential to be spiritually transformational. If you are a mentor or have an inkling that the Lord may be nudging you to be or to have a mentor, this book is a must for you.

    Jill Garrett, Executive Director Tentpeg Consulting
  • This is a thought-provoking and challenging, yet deeply practical, book in which Paul shares with real honesty and passion his heart for mentoring and where the journey has taken him so far. Paul's kingdom heart and deep desire for God are evident and his passion to see people live in the fullness of God is contagious. Anyone who mentors, is mentored or is seeking to grow with God or encourage others to do so will not regret allowing the contents of this book to feed and stir them.

    Rev Laura Handy, Team Curate, Parish of Droitwich Spa, Diocese of Worcester
  • Those of us who have benefited from being mentored know what a privilege it is, and how critical a role it has played, in our personal and spiritual development. Paul's book is a great encouragement to step into such a role for the benefit of others. It could just be the most far-reaching and impactful decision you make in your life on the back of reading this practical guide to actively engage in mentoring and pass on some of your wisdom to a future generations of folks. The potential is huge, and I'm thankful to Paul for his contribution to this field, so clearly lived out in his own intentional journey.

    Simon Guillebaud, Author, Speaker, Social Entrepreneur, Family Man, Cyclist and Charity Founder, Burundi
  • When I think about mentoring, I inevitably think of Paul Wilcox. Not only does Paul talk about mentoring, he also does it, to the benefit of dozens of younger leaders. Here Paul shares insights from his vast experience in order to equip others to do the same. Every chapter beats with the passion of his heart, with wise counsel, practical application and deep spirituality. It is an inspiring book, a must-read for anyone already mentoring others or considering starting this ministry that is so vital to the future health of the church.

    Tony Horsfall, Speaker, Trainer and Author of Mentoring for Spiritual Growth
  • Paul oozes passion for mentoring! His commitment to both great practice as a mentor and equipping others to mentor is inspirational. I have seen first hand the power of mentoring as I've watched Paul intentionally invest in so many people in All Saints and lead the charge in creating a mentoring culture throughout the church. This book is a joy to read. It's packed full of wisdom, insight, encouragement and practical tips on how to mentor and train others too. Join the revolution as you learn from a seasoned expert!

    Rev Dr Rich Johnson, Vicar of All Saints, Worcester, and Regional Director of New Wine, South West Region
  • Want to start mentoring? Then start here. Full of practical ideas, it helpfully overviews key things a mentor needs to give attention to and offers wise advice gained from years of experience.

    Rev James Lawrence, CPAS Leadership Principal, Author of Mentoring Matters and Director of the Arrow Leadership Programme
  • This is the collective wisdom of a real pioneer who has invested his life very intentionally in the upcoming generation that will lead the church into the next part of the twenty-first century. They will face perils and challenges and opposition in ways we never did. We all want this generation to go further and see the transformation that we have prayed for. Here is tried and tested wisdom for you to engage in the most important task in the church: that of raising up tomorrows leaders today.

    Eddie Lyle, President of Open Doors UK & Ireland
  • Having been mentored by Paul for eight years and counting, it's a joy to see so much of Paul's heart for mentoring in this incredible book. Insightful, funny and enormously helpful - a fantastic tool for ministry.

    Josh Lees, MTh Student at the University of Oxford, Church of England Ordinand
  • Filled with passion, this book invites you into the mentoring shoes made for you. Flavoured with practical, wise and creative vision for generational transformation through relationship, Paul Wilcox gives a transparent and authentic look into lifestyle rhythms of mentoring. Experience is irrelevant, give it a go!

    Jonathan McCririe, LIV Village, Durban, South Africa; Leader of LIV4Change Discipleship School and LIV Village Leadership
  • Paul is renowned in the Christian youth work world for his passion for mentoring and this shines through this book. Beginning by sharing his own vulnerability and journey into mentoring, Paul then offers a biblically rich description of what it means to be a mentor. Each chapter also draws on a diverse range of sources and not only did I learn from Paul's wisdom but also from that of others with a heart to help God's people become more of whom God created them to be. Each chapter contains insightful questions which merit some journalling time to get the most out of the book. I commend this book to anyone who would like to develop their own mentoring or pastoral practice as there are many resonances for other dimensions of ministry in what Paul writes. An accessible and readable book, which merits being widely read.

    Rev Dr Sally Nash, Director Midlands Institute for Children, Youth and Mission, St Johns, Nottingham; Associate Minister, Hodge Hill Church, Birmingham; Researcher, Birmingham Childrens Hospital Chaplaincy
  • In his book Paul offers so much more than essential and practical tips for getting started and sustaining the mentoring relationship. Intentional Mentoring unlocks the door to accessible, relational discipleship and invites the reader to adventure with others in discovering Jesus and becoming more like him. Every page of this book has been authentically lived out by the author and presents a prophetic call to open your lives intentionally to others and see the transformation begin.

    Rev Dave Newton, Principal and Director of Training, Regents Theological College
  • I have known and worked with Paul over many years now and this book encompasses all that he is and does as a Mentor. Paul not only knows the theory, but is able to put the theory into practice when it comes to mentoring. This book is the story of how he started mentoring and how he has developed over the years. It is a practical book with some very useful questions for reflection at the end of each chapter. I would recommend this book for those who wish to start mentoring or are finding their way into the area of empowering others to be all that God created them to be.

    Sharon Prior, Mentor, Trainer and Church Leader at Iford Baptist Church
  • In this book, Paul delivers a real and honest perspective on mentoring like Jesus. He brings the challenge to lead generously out a rhythm of connection with Jesus and with others.

    Paul has been a faithful friend and mentor to me in every season of my life for three decades. This book holds the wisdom and integrity of a man who has invested in others for the long haul.

    If you want to lead in a way that will inspire the millennial generation and build a growing church that holds the capacity for legacy, this is the book to read.

    Andy Smith, Creative Arts Team Leader, Ivy Church, Manchester
  • Essential reading for any would-be mentor! Drawing on wide theological reading, a deep love of the Bible and his own rich ministry experience, Paul Wilcox offers both a personal and practical approach to the important area of intentional relationships. Sharing much of his own journey and life as a mentor, his book Intentional Mentoring moves the reader from theory into practice with a series of pertinent questions. An important contribution to the Christian ministry of mentoring written by a man whose life reflects the integrity he appeals for at the heart of the mentoring task.

    Ian White, Senior Tutor, Cliff College
  • This book arrives to the reader with the pages well worn. What Paul Wilcox writes about mentoring is born from a life of investing in others. In these pages you won't find ivory-tower perspectives but principles that have been tested and lived in the cut and thrust of real-time mentoring situations. Most of all, Paul's heart for mentoring to enable discipleship, and propel mission as Jesus intended, shines through and will set your heart on fire. A much-needed read for today's church.

    Matt Wild, Director, CROPS, Peterborough

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