Are We Brave Enough?

“#5Changes to Renew the Local Church and Transform the World”

Ian Mayer

ISBN: 9781909728974

196 Pages

Published Jan 2019

Mission and Leadership

Paperback £7.99 Kindle £5.49
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With many churches locked into congregational models and brand building, Are We Brave Enough? asks Christians to consider doing 5 things that could change the landscape of local church communities, and help Christians become more effective in transforming the world.

With personal stories about the challenges of working with congregational and institutional church leaders, this book champions the perseverance needed to see God’s Kingdom come in a city, and looks at how church groups can either support or hinder the process.

  • Are We Brave Enough? is written out of Ian’s personal experience, his calling to Doncaster and the lessons learned within One Heart One Voice, a unity movement committed to transforming their city. There are parts of this book which will leave you feeling uncomfortable, indeed there could be sections you disagree with, but let’s allow the book to challenge us to fresh steps of faith and obedience to the One we love and serve.

    Steve Clifford, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance
  • When I first met Ian I was struck by three things, namely his love for Jesus, his passion for the Church and his commitment to his city! This engaging book reflects all of these key facets of Ian’s call and purpose. As you read you will discover that Ian is brave enough, but the question that must be answered, are we?

    DrJohn Andrews, Leader, Teacher, Motivator, Author
  • This book is so timely as we move with God’s Spirit, calling us to surrender our silos and agendas for the advancement of His kingdom. I believe this book will tug at the heart of every leader to clearly discern God’s voice in answering the call to be an agent of unity and city transformation. Get ready to be forever changed!

    Rev Ebony S Small, Director of Movement Day Expressions, USA
  • This book needs to be read, prayed over and thought through. There is a challenge here to how we are all together being one Church in our places.

    David King, Director of Kingdom Voice Ltd
  • I count Ian and Alyson as good friends and recognise them as a couple of gentle provokers. You will find this book is filled with a heart for unity, but also carries a fair amount of provocation to think beyond our own paradigms. To get the best from it I recommend we step back slightly and lay aside our defensive mechanisms. The provocation is for purpose, and that purpose lines up with the prayer of Jesus, 'that all of them may be one. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent Me' [see John 17].

    Stuart Bell, Senior Pastor of Alive Church, Lincoln, and leader of Ground Level Network
  • Ian and Alyson have served Doncaster over many years and the results are visible. I have been to several unity events organised by them over the last few years and it’s been fantastic to see the way they gather people together to serve the agenda of transformation in the town. The recent Movement Day in Doncaster attracted not only the Church but also senior civic leaders. There was a real sense of shared purpose. They are brave and have inspired others to follow.

    Debra Green OBE, Executive Director of Redeeming Our Communities

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