I quit porn. Here’s how you can too – Jack Skett with Christianity Magazine

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With more than 50 per cent of practicing Christians admitting to viewing porn monthly, including 30 per cent of leaders, porn is rife in our churches. Having battled with a porn addiction himself, pastor Jack Skett shares practical advice on how to beat it

When I was a child, I used to love the TV show How to. Each episode would focus on different skills or tasks and break them down to show you how they could be done. One that sticks in my mind was ‘How to do an ollie on a skateboard.’ I learned a lot from that, including that skateboarding was not for me!

Sadly, there are some things in life that don’t have a simple ‘How To’ solution. In my role as a pastor, people often ask me what advice I would give to a Christian who is struggling with porn addiction. This is one of those things with no simple solution, but I do have a few words of advice, borne out of personal experience, which I hope will go some way to helping anyone battling this issue.

Read the full interview with Christianity Magazine

  • Jack Skett

    Jack is Lead Pastor at Dewsbury Elim Church in West Yorkshire, alongside his wife Annie, and is passionate about seeing …