
NEW BOOK: The Now Generation

Empowering Gen Z to lead today!

‘An accessible and rich resource for young people in particular to reach their full potential.’
Carolyn Skinner, CEO Third Space Ministries

Plagued by mental health pressures and fears about the future, Gen Z – those born since 1997 – appear to be a generation in crisis. According to global management consultants, McKinsey & Company, they have the least positive outlook on life and poorest levels of emotional and social wellbeing. So how can they be expected to lead and have influence today? Read More »

NEW BOOK: The Priest from Pakistan

Church of England’s first female, South Asian priest shares her inspirational story

‘An inspirational testimonial story, courageously and devotedly shared.’
Alwin J Samuel, Bishop of Sialkot, Pakistan

When Amelia Jacobs was ordained in 1994, it was an intimidating experience. She was part of the first cohort of female priests to be ordained into the Church of England, and their ordination was not welcomed by everyone. Furthermore, she was the first to be ordained from Pakistan… Read More »

NEW BOOK: Talking with God

Rediscover God’s voice in Lent and beyond

‘Will deepen your faith and prayer life. A great resource for those who truly seek a deeper relationship with God through Scripture.’
Father Peter Williams OSB, Worth Abbey

Lent begins on Wednesday, 22nd February. Traditionally a chance to step back and reflect on our faith and relationship with God, what if this year Lent was able to transform not just the next forty days but the rest of our lives? Read More »

Sample Chapters: The Now Generation


Now Is the Time 
Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. (1 Timothy 4:12, NLT) 

It’s fair to say, my primary school football team wasn’t very good. We had lost… Read More »

Sample Chapters: Talking with God


The idea that people can talk with God as a friend, instead of only praying to Him in a formal setting, may seem to some a little irreverent, or even impertinent, but in essence, it is just another way of praying to God. There are books already that give advice on how to pray, and many with prayers for people and situations. We also have the Lord’s Prayer as a gift from Jesus so that everyone has a template on how to start praying, and we can read testimonies and personal prayer stories from… Read More »

Sample Chapters: The Priest from Pakistan

Germinating Process 

I believe the journey of our faith begins as soon as we come to a realisation of our existence in the world, even without a clear knowledge of our exact beliefs. We are trained to join in with our family’s religious practices and rituals, if they have them, whether we agree with them or not. As we know, most faiths have traditions and practices to perform when a child is born into a family… Read More »

NEW NOVEL: Isabella’s Voyage

Pioneering Victorian woman inspires novelist’s own journey and that of her heroine

‘Takes the reader on an exotic adventure and into a love story like no other.’
Wendy Griffith, CBN News Anchor; author of You Are a Prize to be Won

Passionate Isabella Buckley feels like life is passing her by. In her late thirties and yearning for adventure, she is constrained by Victorian England’s gender roles and suffocated by the quiet life she leads with her parents. But when the chance for adventure comes her way… Read More »

Sample Chapters: Isabella’s Voyage

Chapter One 
North Norfolk coast, England, September 1880 

The thing about a long brisk walk, thought Isabella as she got dressed, is that it can be a marvellous antidote to hopelessness. It is action, and that is something. 

She set out as soon as dawn’s orange light brightened the sky and before anyone else was awake… Read More »