Worship Leading Essentials

“The inspiration and skills you need”

Richard Venable

ISBN: 9781912726554

224 Pages

Published Feb 2022

Mission and Leadership

Paperback £9.99 Kindle £5.99
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This unique and accessible guide walks new worship leaders through the fundamentals of their calling.

Drawing inspiration from the Bible and the UK’s rich worshipping heritage, experienced worship leader Richard Venable outlines ten practical and spiritual essentials a modern worship leader needs. With insightful questions and carefully selected resources, he shows how these skills can be learned and applied across multiple church settings.

Whether you are just starting out or looking to train others, Worship Leading Essentials will help bring you and your congregation deeper into the heart of Spirit-filled worship.

  • I am profoundly grateful for this practical and accessible book. It is my prayer that this book will be used to equip and empower the people of the Church to learn the heart of leading worship in communities around the world.

    Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
  • Richard’s passion for Jesus, faithfulness to Scripture, respect for Church tradition, commitment to creative ways of expressing worship, and leadership reflecting the humility of Christ are clearly evidenced in these pages. I warmly commend this book as one that gives helpful insights into the heart of worship, irrespective of whether you are called to be a worship leader or not.

    Simon Orton, Minister, King’s Church Southampton
  • There is such a need for this book. There really isn't anything like it to help worship pastors and church ministers with discipling new worship leaders.

    Simon Guillebaud MBE, International Director, Great Lakes Outreach
  • The combination of solid biblical teaching on the theme with real practical advice for aspiring worship leaders is a perfect blend. As someone who has led worship in different contexts for more than thirty years, I also found it refreshing for my own journey and my worship of our great and awesome God.

    Neil Maddock, songwriter, worship leader, founder of Martis Productions
  • Richard's excellent book covers many of the essential foundations that I would hope to see evident in anyone leading worship, but also starts by assuming nothing, so will be such a helpful tool for developing a new generation of God-honouring worship leaders who will serve the Church so much better for having considered these vital themes.

    Chris Kilby, Senior Leader, Life Church Southampton, Newfrontiers UK Leadership Team
  • An excellent examination of worship – from the biblical basis through to highly practical tips – I wish I’d read this when I was starting out in worship leading. It captures what’s taken me twenty years to gather in understanding and then goes beyond this.

    Andy ‘LAMBO’ Lambert, musician, songwriter, producer and worship leader
  • Richard Venable’s excellent book will both challenge and equip you in equal measure to lead others into a place of greater intimacy with God. His clear, easy-to-follow style, unequivocal use of Bible references and obvious personal enthusiasm for the subject in hand make it a great resource. Easily the best book on the essentials of God-centred worship leading to appear for some time. Highly recommended.

    Kevin Colwell, Minister, Poverest Road Baptist Church, Orpington
  • Having led a church for more than thirty-five years, I didn’t think there were many new things I could be taught about leading worship. How wrong I was! Over the last few weeks while reading this book I have not only been reminded of things I’d forgotten but I have also learned so many new but important matters regarding worship. The history of older hymns, the use of modern songs, choosing material that is biblically sound and appropriate for different events, ensuring that the worship leader is him- or herself one who worships from their own heart, and a lot more in the shape of tips, advice and guidance makes this book a veritable treasure trove for worship pastors, their teams and other leaders in the Church.

    Wynn James, Lead Pastor, Life Destiny Church, Harrogate
  • Worship Leading Essentials is a helpful and practical guide for anyone learning the craft of worship leading.

    Matthew Porter, Vicar of St Michael le Belfrey, York, and author of books including A-Z of Prayer
  • An inspiring and challenging exploration of the worship leader’s role, calling all involved to be authentic, humble, biblical and totally devoted to Jesus. Get it and read it!

    Henry George, Worship Coordinator, Ichthus Christian Fellowship, London

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