Not Knowing but Still Going

“A buoyant hope for uncertain times”

Jocelyn-Anne Harvey

ISBN: 9781912726394

256 Pages

Published Apr 2021

Christian Life

Paperback £9.99 Kindle £5.99
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Uncertainty, change and the unexpected – we all struggle with unknowns. So what can we learn from Noah’s ark and the women who entered it?

In this inspiring, honest and compelling book, Jocelyn-Anne walks us through the Genesis story, exploring the unprecedented challenges Noah and his family faced. Blending biblical reflections with personal experiences of God’s faithfulness in uncertain times, Not Knowing but Still Going considers:

  • How can we progress when we can’t feel any movement?
  • How can we respond to the ‘suddenlies’ in life?
  • What can we do with ‘the want in the wait’?
  • Do women have key roles to play?

If you are feeling swamped by a flood of unknowns, Jocelyn-Anne offers profound encouragement to keep going, and to find refuge in the Lord until the way becomes clear.

  • This is a dynamic read! Well written, and very engaging. Before I read this book, I hadn’t given much thought to life just before, during and after the great flood. But Jocelyn-Anne Harvey brings the scene alive, with helpful and inspirational insights. What was it really like to have lived during those turbulent times? And how does the whole experience speak to us today? A truly original look at the Noah’s ark story, from the women’s perspective. Relevant, timely and deeply thought-provoking.

    Sheila Jacobs, editor and CBC award-winning author
  • As in the days of Noah... Jocelyn-Anne Harvey has written an insightful and timely book drawing striking parallels between our present reality with what Noah and the women of his family might have experienced aboard the Ark. Not Knowing but Still Going offers a fresh perspective on how to navigate 'unchartered waters' and adjust to new 'norms' – while reminding us of 'the rainbow of His promise' to face the days ahead.

    Darla Milne, author of Second Chance
  • Not Knowing but Still Going provokes the reader to view life on the ark through the eyes of the four women on board. An easy read, and biblically sound, it has thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter which would be ideal for women’s group Bible study.

    Karen Johnson, Ministry Coordinator at Creation Ministries International (UK)
  • Although we find ourselves living in unprecedented times, we have been prepared, because the Lord told us it would be like the days of Noah. Jocelyn-Anne does an amazing job of bringing to life the challenges that Noah and his family must have experienced walking into the unknown, just like we are doing now. The emotional and spiritual difficulties and how we can move forward in victory, looking unto Jesus for strength and peace in the midst of the storm. Being confident of God’s goodness and sovereignty through it all.

    Jeff Cuozzo, Pastor Calvary Bath, UK & Europe Coordinator Behold Israel

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