I AM Relational

“Maturing into the likeness of Jesus”

Henry Pradella

ISBN: 9781912726240

256 Pages

Published Jun 2020

Christian Life

Paperback £8.99 Kindle £5.99
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We are relational beings made in the image of a relational God.

In our fast-changing and increasingly pressured world, we can easily lose sight of who we are and what we were created for. Yet grasping our core relational identity as children of God and maturing into deeper relationship with Him – and one another – are fundamental to our discipleship and well-being.

I AM Relational is a rich blend of biblical teaching, personal insights and heartfelt testimonies that invite us into a journey of discovery and encounter. Tried and tested, its vibrant message will see new and seasoned believers alike maturing into life-changing experiences of the love of God and the relational likeness of Jesus.

You have an eternal place of belonging and an eternal relational purpose – are you ready to experience them?

  • Having known Henry for many years, I can testify that these insights come from deep and authentic engagement with the deepest issues of our lives. A wonderfully helpful map for exploring God’s great gift of relationship with Him and each other.

    Paul Harcourt, National Leader, New Wine England
  • In a technological world dominated by social media, human flourishing is under threat. This book counters that by pointing to our essential need of living and healthy relationships in life’s journey. Writing out of his experience of building a relational church, Henry Pradella offers wise words and biblical illustrations on how we can build fulfilling relationships with one another and with God. Semi-autobiographical, this book unwraps all the Christian faith has to offer in stories of relationships through which God calls us to be the persons that we are really created to be.

    Rt Rev Peter Hill, Bishop of Barking
  • "Sometimes God takes us on difficult journeys … He wants us to discover the treasure that is within us, the preciousness of who we are in Him."

    Using examples from his own life journey, Henry opens up God’s words to us. He helps us to understand who we are, where we have come from and the freedom we can experience because of the Father’s love for us.

    This book has both reassured and excited us. God has a unique plan and purpose for our lives that no one else can fulfil. We are challenged to step out into new encounters in our relationship with God, to experience the fire of His love, and then to carry that same love into our relationships with others.

    We hope that as you wait in stillness you will also hear God’s voice, and discern His unique plan and purpose for your life.

    Bob and Mary Bain, Welcome Network
  • I’ve always known that developing close, meaningful relationships was vital. Henry pushes the reset button here before we lose the ability to form genuine connections with people. We are in danger of becoming remote from one another. As you read you will find yourself re-evaluating how you do relationships in this modern digital age.

    As you read you will not only find great biblical teaching and understanding, but you will also meet the real Henry (& Sheryl) in their journey of life experiences. Henry has been honest in sharing some of his early life, and this helps make sense of the teaching in the book and the depth of understanding he has expounded.

    I urge you to read on; don’t miss the opportunity to grow and be assured as to your identity in Christ and in life. I commend this accessible and very well-written book to you. Enjoy it, be blessed and challenged and let the Holy Spirit touch you through its pages.

    Rev Roger Grassham, retired Elim Minister and founding Senior Pastor of River Church & Managing Director, River Christian Centre, Canning Town, East London
  • In this book, Henry Pradella distils a lifetime’s experience of ministry into a moving exploration of our identity in Christ, the new status we receive as God’s beloved, and finally our vocation as those who carry the imprint of Christ and bear His love to the world. It is a book about finding yourself.

    Rt Rev Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of Chelmsford

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