Hidden in Plain Sight

“Discovering heaven's treasures”

Clive Thorne

ISBN: 9781909728646

128 Pages

Published Jul 2017

Christian Life

Paperback £6.99 Kindle £3.99
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Where does your treasure lie? What is it that makes you come alive? Is it the latest boxset or tabloid headline, your sport’s team’s performance or a friend’s new baby? All valid passions, but is there something better?

Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field – a treasure so precious that when someone finds it, they will gladly sell all their other ‘treasures’ to get it. What makes it so precious?

In this engaging and accessible guide, Clive Thorne considers the unique worth of the kingdom and what we must do to find it. An inspiration and challenge to all who seek God, Hidden in Plain Sight will help you find the treasure that is above all others and discover the abundant life Jesus promised.

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  • I have just spent some time reading this book and I know the Lord is going to use it. It's always special to read something written by a friend who I know has been walking the walk that is spoken about in his book. It's a great Christ-centred book that is great to use in your devotional time. I hope you will not only read it but get copies to give to others.

    George Verwer DD, founder and former International Director of OM
  • Clive is a true pioneer. His quiet witness over many years has impacted countless lives. He's the sort of humble practitioner from whom I love to learn.

    Pete Greig, 24-7 Prayer; Emmaus Road
  • A great book – there is a clarity and challenge to live with the real goal in full focus. I certainly feel encouraged to continue pressing on for that reward of greater closeness to Christ after reading it.

    Sanjay Rajo, leader of Naujavan Asian Christian youth movement
  • I have been greatly blessed reading this book. It reads like worship and is thoroughly biblical in dealing with a subject that has been neglected for many years.

    John Symons, retired missionary and pastor
  • Clive Thorne has an extraordinary ability to make complex things simple and accessible to his readers, and this book does just that. It is a stimulating challenge to ensure that we maintain a healthy marriage of belief and behaviour in the outworking of our Christian faith. A great read!

    Simon Orton, pastor Kings Church, Southampton

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