Before the Days Draw In

“My ordinary journey towards an extraordinary God”

Mary Kissell

ISBN: 9781909728912

160 Pages

Published Sep 2018


Paperback £8.99 Kindle £5.99
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‘It is strange that we can spend a lifetime sitting through church services and actually not really pray. I had spent years doing just that.’

When Mary Kissell committed to getting up early every morning to spend time in prayer, she began a practice that would revolutionise her life. Daily developing her relationship with God, she grew in intimacy with the Holy Spirit and discovered how He speaks in whispers, glimpses and nudges – simple leadings that can have the profoundest outcomes.

This rich and moving memoir tells the incredible story of how simply following the Holy Spirit’s leading saw countless people impacted around the world and one family’s unimaginably tragic situation transformed. Allow Mary’s story of walking with the Holy Spirit inspire and encourage you to do the same, whatever season of life you are in.

  • There is faith, grace and wisdom on every page. Enjoy!

    Matt Redman, songwriter and worship leader
  • I worked with the Kissells for nearly twenty years in a very encouraging ministry and found Mary’s biography riveting.

    Bishop David Pytches, founder of New Wine
  • A remarkable pilgrimage to read and many lessons to learn from it.

    Debby Wright, Senior Pastor at Trent Vineyard with her husband John. Together they are National Directors of Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland
  • There is a compelling depth and integrity about Mary Kissell’s first book. With highly perceptive and some humorous insights she charts a remarkable story of God’s faithfulness in her own life, her marriage and ministry with husband Barry, and their extended family… Here is a beautifully written book to nourish the soul, raise the level of faith and pass on to others.

    Bishop John Perry, former Bishop of Chelmsford and Southampton; Warden of Lee Abbey, Devon
  • A unique Christian biography! Unique, because Mary Kissell not only charts the good times in her life but also the pains, struggles and disappointments. But she does more! She shows us, her readers, the way through the hard times and the benefits of feeding on the positives. This is a must-read gem!

    (Revd Dr) Nigel Scotland, Honorary Research Fellow, University of Gloucestershire

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