Henry Pradella

Henry Pradella is a retired, ordained Anglican minister, prior to which he was a teacher and pastoral head in a secondary school. He now lives in Braintree, Essex with his wife, Sheryl, where they are part of the wider leadership team at Elim Church. They both have a heart and passion for ecumenical unity and collaboration in extending the Kingdom of God locally in this town.

They have two adult children and four grandchildren.

Books by Henry Pradella

  • The Transformed Follower

    Henry Pradella

    When Jesus calls us to come follow Him, He calls us to be transformed. To encounter the life-changing reality of who He is in the ordinary and the everyday, and to grow into the extraordinary promise of who we can become in Him.

    Born out of Henry’s own experience of walking with the Lord over many years...

  • I AM Relational

    Henry Pradella

    We are relational beings made in the image of a relational God.
    In our fast-changing and increasingly pressured world, we can easily lose sight of who we are and what we were created for. Yet grasping our core relational identity as children of God and maturing into deeper relationship with Him – and one another – are fundamental...

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