Simon Jones

Simon Jones is a writer, a bit of a ‘hermit’, a husband, a father, and a people person all at the same time, but he likes to see himself most as a beloved son of God. He studied theology at London Bible College, and thereafter took a long journey into contemplative spirituality experiencing retreats, meeting monks and hermits, and ultimately journeying into the unconditional love of the Father. He then had the privilege of running a contemplative prayer centre in Watford Town Centre called the Urban Retreat.

He now lives with Nathalie, his wife, in Wales, and has got into long distance walking, and is hoping in the future to extend his writing on Christian Spirituality to Travel writing as well. One of his passions is that people find themselves comfortable with being the shape that God has made them to be even when that is different to what society, and even the church, says they should be.

Books by Simon Jones

  • The Musings of an Urban Monk

    Simon Jones

    Simon Jones is a man whose calling is to help us learn to share in God's rest, even in the midst of chaotic city …

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