Dr Bruce Farnham

The author lived in Turkey for many years during which time Kenan became a good friend.

The first edition of My Big Father was written later in West Beirut, Lebanon, during a time of violent clashes between rival groups. Bombs, kidnappings and shootings, many in the name of religion, provided an apt backcloth against which to contrast the life of such a joyful Turkish believer.

Kenan’s life was transformed by the love of his Big Father and his faith reached out in love to touch the hearts of many, whatever their background.

Books by Dr Bruce Farnham

  • My Big Father

    Dr Bruce Farnham

    Kenan Araz knew that coming to Christ would carry a cost. Belonging to a culturally Christian minority in Turkey, the faithful witness of persecuted believers had been part of the very foundation stones of his childhood home. But when he discovered the infinitely kind and compassionate God of the Bible – his ‘Big Father’ – nothing could stop him from sharing the wonderful news...

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