NEW BOOK! Stories from Street Pastors

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‘Street Pastors’ proving the Church is relevant today
Inspiring stories of people helped and lives saved
Seeing God at work
Making a difference in schools and on railways
Informative and uplifting
Includes responses after terrorist incidents

Wen many are concerned for their own and their loved ones’ safety, what moves someone to walk the streets late at night to help strangers? Street Pastors are Christian volunteers from all denominations who willingly stay out until the early hours of the morning. Caring for people who are vulnerable, they show compassion and concern to everyone they meet.

Founded on the streets of Brixton by Reverend Les Isaac, OBE, in 2003 as a response to critical social issues, there are now 270 Street Pastor groups across the UK and seven internationally. More than 12,000 volunteers have been trained to serve as Street Pastors, both on the streets and in many other public spheres. One of their strengths is that they are supported by churches of every denomination.

Whether offering a listening ear to a vulnerable clubber, mentoring a troubled teen, giving food to a homeless person or responding to a national emergency, Street Pastors are making a significant difference in communities across the UK and beyond.

This book, with incredible and, in some cases, life-saving stories, celebrates their work. They have been credited with saving police and NHS time and money, reducing crime and improving neighbourhoods. Street Pastors also appear in some GCSE Religious Education syllabuses. They demonstrate the practical ways God cares about this world, dispelling the myth that the Church is not relevant today.

Luke and Sue say, ‘There are many times when [we]’d rather stay at home than go on patrol all night but then [we] would miss out on seeing God at work and prayers answered.’

In the preface Les Isaac, OBE, writes, ‘The Church is a force for good in the world. Stories from the Streets seeks to demonstrate and celebrate this by highlighting the excellence and the transformative power of the work being done by what I can only describe as a formidable army of Street Pastors who have become a welcome presence in their various battalions in towns and cities across our nation. The book captures the excitement and the passion of all the volunteers, as well as the gratitude of those with whom they come into contact. The stories also remind us that God is in the business of taking ordinary people and using them in powerful and practical ways.’


Stories from the Streets by Luke Randall and Sue Shaw (ISBN 9781912726288) is published by Instant Apostle and is available on 20th November 2020 from Christian bookshops, bookstores and online retailers. Non-fiction, paperback, 272pp, £9.99.


  • Luke Randall

    Dr Luke Randall has worked most of his life as a research microbiologist.As a Christian he felt challenged by …

  • Sue Shaw

    Sue has worked for a wide range of international, national and local charities. For several years she has worked for …

  • Stories from the Streets

    Luke Randall, Sue Shaw

    Would you volunteer to walk the streets of your town or city late on a Saturday night? This is what Street Pastors do, showing compassionate care and concern to everyone they meet.

    Founded in 2003 to respond to critical social issues, more than 12,000 volunteers...