Extraordinary journey of healing from childhood abuse
Incredible conversion experience
Challenging, inspiring testimony to the power of forgiveness
Threads of God’s grace and healing love woven throughout
Learning to manage chronic pain
Insights into work in hospice care and ministry to the bereaved
Too often we limit God’s desire to intimately relate to us through fear of trusting and believing He can change the impossible. But when we do trust Him, we discover that there is no past trauma or present trial that is beyond His care or ability to transform.
Led to the Banquet Hall takes you on Gilana’s forty-year journey with God, beginning in difficult territory where she tells of her appallingly abusive childhood. She testifies how she came to faith in an extraordinary way and how she learnt to manage chronic pain caused by a freak accident. In the midst of all this, God led her from one job to another, each leading her deeper into a loving relationship with Him that she so yearned for. Gilana shares about nine spiritual gifts that God has generously bestowed upon her and which are available to all who are searching for change, for truth, for freedom: the gifts of being called, of love, of forgiveness, of relationship, of adoption, of belonging, of restoration, of life and of ‘clothing’.
Led to the Banquet Hall was written to celebrate the incredible and outrageous generosity of a God who can transform darkness into light, hatred into love, emptiness into fullness, abandonment into adoption, poverty into richness, scars into treasure, beggar’s clothes into royal robes, shame into acceptance and death into life. It shows that God longs to be invited into those dark, shadowy parts of our being which have been closed down. Many treasured threads of God’s immense grace and healing love are woven throughout Gilana’s autobiography.
The book is aimed at those who have experienced or are experiencing trauma, bereavement or a terminal medical diagnosis, but is equally for those working through where God is calling them to be in life. It can be read by those who have a faith and is also for those who may be searching for a meaning to life, especially in the present climate of COVID-19 where so many things are in question.