Really thought-provoking

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  • Chick Yuill

    Chick Yuill has spent over forty-five years in full-time ministry and church leadership. Most of this time has been devoted to leading and pastoring local congregations, both in the UK and the USA. He is a passionate communicator and has appeared on national radio and television in the UK, speaking on issues of faith and morality. He has been a regular speaker at major Christian conferences such as Spring Harvest and ROOTS, and at churches, venues, and conferences throughout the UK as well as in Canada, USA...

  • The Man Who Broke into St Peter's

    Chick Yuill

    When the caretaker of St Peter’s finds that the church has been broken into early on the Saturday morning after Christmas, and that the elderly intruder is still in the building and kneeling at the communion rail, no-one is quite sure what to do...