Asks, ‘Who am I? What is my purpose?’
Raises relational and identity issues
A timely book for leaders and thinkers
Debates our uniqueness and significance
Points to something greater than ourselves
Living under lockdown has made increasingly clear the degree to which we, as social and relational beings, depend on one another. This has been in danger of being forgotten in our twenty-first-century world. But now, because of social distancing, there is a heightened awareness of our need for one another. So now we are more aware of it, how can we go about meeting it?
Many people struggle with relationships and identity, even within the body of Christ. In our fast-changing and increasingly pressured world we can easily lose sight of who we are and what we were created for. Our identity, central to understanding what we were created for, is increasingly pertinent in a world fast losing grip on its relational significance, purpose and direction. Yet grasping our core relational identity as children of God and maturing into deeper relationship with Him – and with one another – are fundamental to our discipleship and well-being. I AM Relational is a rich blend of biblical teaching, personal insights and heartfelt testimonies that invite us into a journey of discovery and encounter.
The author, Henry Pradella, shares his experiences of intimacy with a God of love while witnessing to lives being transformed in a ministry that has seen many come to faith and grow in maturity in their own relationship and understanding of who they are in Christ. The reality of our identity as human beings made in the image and likeness of God is the foundation that underpins this book.
Each of our personal stories has significance, and the personal nature of Henry’s journey and encounter with God will draw you to explore your own experiences, enabling you to discover that your life has greater purpose and meaning than you could possibly imagine.
Henry says, ‘Who am I? What is my life about and where is it heading? What is the true meaning and purpose of my identity? These are questions that are common to all of us and point to something greater, something fundamentally more important than just my own experience of life. I am not an accident, nor am I here by chance. Nor are you. My life and your life have a greater and more significant meaning and purpose than we can possibly imagine.’
I AM Relational by Henry Pradella (ISBN: 9781912726240) is published by Instant Apostle and is available on 19th June 2020 from Christian bookshops, bookstores and online retailers. Non-fiction, 256pp, £8.99.