NEW BOOK: Come and see Jesus in John’s Gospel

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Reveals Jesus as the Jewish Messiah and Son of God
Emphasises first century Jewish context, culture and language
Contains whole text of John’s Gospel for easy narrative reading
Clear contemporary language and many fresh insights
Fifty-two chapters for through-the-year reflection
Connects with the overall story of the Bible
Extensive footnotes for serious study of the Gospel

Dr R T Kendall, Bible Teacher and Author; formerly Minister, Westminster Chapel, London

We live in a world where truth is considered to be flexible and ill defined. To think in any other way is usually to be accused of bigotry. But Jesus burst into our world with the claim to be the incarnation of absolute truth and, consequently, He met with very different responses. Some realised He was the Messiah, others recognised Him as the answer to the situations in which they were trapped. Another group had vested interests in denying His identity and turned against Him in anger and fear. And it is the same today.In Come and See, as we follow the journey of Jesus through John’s eyes we are confronted with the same challenge, for there is ultimately no neutral position. Author Roy Millar shows how John closely observed Jesus as he encountered and interacted with people in the multicultural collage of first-century Israel – Jewish, Samaritan and Roman; rich and poor; power hungry and oppressed; conventionally religious; sceptical and pagan. In various ways, Jesus invited them to come and see, to examine the evidence for His identity and to choose how they would respond. Jesus did not come to start a new religion but as the fulfilment of the 2,000-year-old promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Drawing on the distinctive Jewish culture and context that shaped John’s material, this book gives the reader a deeper understanding of God’s word. It not only challenges us to consider who Jesus is, but also invites us to walk more intimately with Him. Roy says, ‘Many Christians have a desire for a deeper engagement with the Word of God than is possible in the context of Sunday services where many items compete for limited time. The option of Bible or theological college courses is impracticable for many people, and they may find it difficult to identify suitable written material in the space between popular devotional books and academic commentaries whose style and intricacy of content may be intimidating. Connections and applications in our current world situation are made, making this book also relevant to Jews and Muslims.’

Come and See walks us through John’s Gospel from beginning to end. Spread across fifty-two concise and accessible chapters that match the fifty-two weeks of the year, this perceptive commentary helps us see Jesus through John’s contemporary eyes and discover anew how transformative His ministry is for our lives today.

Roy adds, ‘This is no mere clash of religious ideas. If Jesus’ claim to be the son of God is false then Christianity crumbles to dust. If it is true then our lives must be reshaped around Him. There is no third way, no compromise with other ideologies, whether religious or secular. I pray that you will encounter Jesus and come to a new awareness of God as your Father, for this is the reason why Jesus became flesh and lived among us.’

What reviewers say:

‘I applaud Roy Millar’s endeavours to guide us through one of the most profound books of the Bible. His commentary painstakingly and soundly examines the text section by section and the result is impressive.’
Dr R T Kendall, Bible Teacher and Author; formerly Minister, Westminster Chapel, London

Come and See gave me many new and precious insights into John’s unique Gospel. Roy’s excellent book is theologically faithful and thought-provoking – an invaluable guide to anyone seeking to understand and enjoy this profound Gospel.’
Reverend Lyndon Bowring, Chairman, CARE

‘Dr Roy Millar has been a follower of Jesus for many years and has spent much time in study of His Word. Come and See is the fruit of a gifted teacher’s sustained meditation and careful exposition on John’s Gospel. Staying faithful to the text, with a deep grasp of first-century Jewish context, Jesus and His teaching is vividly presented to us. Whether you are a seasoned scholar, a growing follower or even a new enquirer, this rich study will help you “come and see”, and meet and know, Jesus the Messiah.’
Simon Ponsonby, Teaching Pastor St Aldates Church, Oxford, and Author

‘It is hard to believe that this is Roy Millar’s first book. Not only is it beautifully written in clear, lucid prose, it is also amazingly perceptive from beginning to end. In chapter nine, speaking about his methodology, Roy says, “We need to read forwards from the Hebrew roots of the Bible and from the standpoint of those who heard the words in their original context.” So, like modern-day, Messianic Jews, this is exactly what the author does in a knowledgeable and perceptive way. I can honestly say that rarely have I read a book on Scripture that displays such a profound spiritual understanding of the meaning and implications of God’s word. It is a veritable tour de force and I wholeheartedly recommend it to all who wish to know Jesus better, including fellow-Catholics.’
Pat Collins, CM, MA, STL Evangelist, Scholar and Author

‘In this book, Roy Millar shares some of the fruit of a lifetime’s immersion in the Scriptures: reading them, studying them, praying them and living them. His writing weaves together rich background context and grounded insight on what it is to be human, offered together as a very accessible narrative commentary, unfolding in line with the Gospel itself. Roy’s book will be of benefit not only to those who preach and help others to learn, but also to all who are looking for an accessible way to deepen their Biblical understanding and Christian faith. It enabled me to read familiar passages in a new and life-giving light. It will help all readers to “come and see” in a fresh and deeper way the grace and generosity of God.’
(Revd Canon Dr) Jonathan Kimber, Director of Ministry and Discipleship, Diocese of Worcester

‘The Word having been made flesh continues to be made fresh in these pages. Like a well-matured wine, this book is to be savoured. Chapter by chapter it lends itself to weekly tastings. As the French have crystallised the concept of “terroir” in describing the distinctives of a particular wine, so Roy Millar helps us discern the unique aspects of the Fourth Gospel. He demonstrates a particular sensitivity to the Jewish matrix out of which John shaped his material and uses this to lead his readers into a deeper understanding of Jesus, God’s Word in and to the world.’
Desmond Maxwell, Founder and Director of Xplorations Teaching Ministry

‘Some ideas come via information, but transformational truth comes by revelation. Through the invitation to “come and see”, the author not only invites us into the deep waters of John’s magnificent Gospel, but he also reveals something of the depth of his own soul. In these pages you will feel his passion for Jesus through his love and reverence of the text, and I pray you too will catch the life-changing power of his message. If you love the Lord and His Word, this book will serve to encourage and enrich your relationship with both.’
Dr John Andrews, Leader, Teacher and Author

‘Roy Millar’s new book, Come and See, makes Jesus, John and the whole New Testament landscape come alive for twenty-first-century readers. Theologically astute and yet also devotionally apt and eminently readable, this mini-commentary serves as a veritable roadmap to John’s Gospel, and to Jesus Himself as its subject, within its historical, canonical and spiritual life context. Jesus as divine, Jesus as truly Jewish, Jesus as the One who meets us in unexpected ways… and then never lets us remain the same: all are here, in the mystery of this Man unlike any other! I can think of no better introduction to Jesus for seekers and mature believers alike!’
Rev Lance Wonders, DPhil, DMin, Academic Dean, ACTS International Bible College, Blaine, Minnesota, USA

‘Having known Roy Millar for twenty-five years, it was a delight to use his commentary on John’s Gospel for my daily devotions. It reflected his own depth of scriptural knowledge by providing both wonderful insights into the text and practical encouragement for daily living. It is accessible to the youngest Christian and at the same time draws more seasoned believers into fresh revelation and personal dedication to Christ. I used it on a daily basis but it would be great for a small group to work through. I thoroughly commend it to you.’
Paul Reid, Pastor Emeritus, Christian Fellowship Church, Belfast

‘Roy has been a personal friend for a number of years and I have seen his desire to help people to have a clearer understanding of God’s Word, in a way that leads to a deeper relationship with Him. Come and See is a particular example of this, illuminating the Gospel of John like a floodlight and revealing the mysteries of God and of His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, and inviting readers to follow Him as disciples. I recommend it to everyone but especially to my brothers and sisters from a Muslim background, both those who currently believe in Jesus and also those who are willing to investigate His claims to be the Messiah and the Son of God.’
Davood Mahmoodi, Pastor, Iranian Ministry, Ireland

‘Roy Millar has provided us with a thoughtful and accessible narrative commentary on John’s Gospel. He has, as it were, taken us by the hand to “come and see” the Jesus whom John wants us to see. The narrative takes us to creation and incarnation, to historically significant locations and to the deepening and disturbingly sharp conflict between Jesus and the pervasively influential, non-relational, legalistic and dedicated religious establishment and then to self-interested political power, to the cross, death, burial and resurrection.
‘John’s Gospel finds its origin in God’s generous love for the world. In contrast to the world’s darkness, Jesus, the Light of the world, came among us, was one of us, triumphed with cosmic significance and still shines brightly. Here is John’s good news about Jesus for people everywhere to believe.’
Rev John Dunlop, Minister Emeritus, Rosemary Presbyterian Church, Belfast; formerly Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland

‘A number of features mark this commentary as a very useful resource for those seeking to understand the Gospel of John. On a practical level, it is useful to have the biblical text of the Gospel included in the publication. However, it is the content of the commentary that makes a particularly valuable contribution. The Introduction: The Journey, is a concise overview of the message of the Gospel and is a helpful foundation on which the main commentary builds and develops. Connections between the Gospel and the Old Testament are highlighted and the key words and themes such as “authority” are clearly explicated. Aspects of Jewish culture and practice that shed light on the Gospel are also explored and explained. Moreover, the commentary is not just a historical study of an ancient text but it also emphasises the relevance and importance of this powerful message for today. Overall, this is an insightful and thought-provoking commentary that will be a useful addition to any Christian’s library.’
Dr James McKeown, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and member of the Board of the Institute of Theology, Queen’s University Belfast

Come and See is a clear, careful and comprehensive exposition of John’s Gospel. It contains many original and helpful insights into the life and work of Jesus. It is particularly strong in seeing Jesus as the fulfilment of the Old Testament Scriptures and in setting His ministry in its original Jewish context. All Christians, young and old, will benefit from it, and the serious enquirer will discover who Jesus is and what it means to follow Him. I am delighted to be able to recommend this book.’
Pastor Leslie Hutchinson, former President of the Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland; Lecturer in Ethics at the Irish Baptist College

‘There is an exciting renaissance in biblical studies, yielding blessing after blessing for disciples of Jesus of Nazareth. The simple but profound truth that our Christian roots run deep into the soil of Hebrew language and culture nourishes every area of faith and practice. Roy Millar draws on the best of this scholarship to help paint, from John’s context, a portrait of the Jewish Messiah in continuity with Israel’s prophetic history and God’s redemptive purposes in the world. The startling result helps us recapture the sense of awe in the inspired invitation, “come and see”.
‘Roy’s writing displays the clarity of a scholar, the passion of a shepherd and the skill of an artist. These gifts work in harmony to accomplish the author’s goal of offering you, the reader, a fresh invitation to intimacy with your great Creator. I invite you to read this book.’
James Whitman, President, Centre for Judaic–Christian Studies, Dayton Ohio


Come and See by Roy Millar (ISBN: 9781912726073) is published by Instant Apostle and is available on 18th April 2019 from Christian bookshops, bookstores and online retailers. Non-fiction, 384pp, £12.99.


  • Roy Millar

    Roy has been married to Rosemary for 49 years. They have three children and seven grandchildren. He was a surgeon …

  • Come and See

    Roy Millar

    Come and See walks us through John’s Gospel from beginning to end. Spread across fifty-two concise and accessible chapters that match the fifty …