An award-winning year!

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2018 has been a fantastic year for Instant Apostle!

A particular highlight was being awarded the Small Publisher of the Year Award at the annual industry Christian Resources Together gathering in the autumn. To be recognised by our peers in this way was an incredible honour and is testament to all the amazing work done by our team and wonderful authors! As Stephen Briars of Christian Resources Together kindly said, ‘Although a relatively new publisher, [Instant Apostle] have published books of distinction and provided an excellent service for the authors they represent.’

This year, we have also been able to redesign our website with a much greater focus on both our books and authors, and we look forward to publishing blogs and interviews on this space with our writers in the early months of 2019. We have also released 18 new titles, including our first hardback books, Where is God in Our 21st-Century World? and Simply EatThese visually stunning books are unlike any others we have done and the universally positive feedback they receive has made the work involved in producing them worth every effort.  The latter was done in partnership with six organisations, including two Evangelical Alliance teams, Interserve, London City Mission, All Nations and Church of England – Birmingham. Working alongside them was a privilege and we would like to thank them for all their input and support, together with the 40+ contributors, in making Simply Eat a reality!

In January and February, we will be releasing 5 more original and inspiring titles. From The Migrant, a fast-moving thriller set in the chaos of Greece’s financial crisis, to Love Beyond, a faith-building biography of one woman’s work in Soho’s red-light district, every one is worth a read! Click here to take a look at them all… and with 8 further books already lined-up for Easter, 2019 is going to be busy – watch this space!

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas, and every blessing for the coming year,

Manoj and the Instant Apostle team

  • Where is God in Our 21st-Century World?

    Ann Clifford

    This is a book for the curious and open-minded, for people of all faiths and none. It is bursting with richness and diversity, vulnerability …

  • Simply Eat

    An award-winning year!

    Have we forgotten that food and faith belong together?
    From Genesis to Revelation, God provides for His people to eat. Regardless of age or ethnicity, gender or class, we all know...