A time to leave, a time to arrive – Fiona Lloyd in Woman Alive Magazine

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How can we support young people who are leaving home for the first time to start their studies at university? Fiona Lloyd has some suggestions.

It’s that time of year again: across the land, harassed parents are working out how to squeeze three suitcases, a month’s worth of groceries and a guitar into the boot of their small family hatchback, while their offspring are busy online investigating which of the freshers’ events offer the best food.

Leaving home for the first time affects young people in different ways: while some view it as a huge adventure, others find the transition from home to university/college life scary and unsettling.

However, there’s a great opportunity here for local churches to reach out to those entering this new life-phase.

Read full article with Woman Alive Magazine

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    Fiona Lloyd

    Fiona Lloyd is vice-chair of the Association of Christian Writers, and is married with three grown-up children.