NEW BOOK: A Call to Arms

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Prophetic, compelling and inspirational
A ‘Now’ word to the Church for every believer to rise up!
Move from maintenance mode to advancing the gospel
Healing for the hurting
Experience Christ’s powerful presence in every area of your life
Provides tools to equip and empower

The recent death of Dr Billy Graham, had people asking what was different about his approach to that taken by many in the Church today. The answer was quite simple: he boldly proclaimed the Word of God, adding nothing of his own.

His death may well prompt a period of reflection, causing us to ask, ‘Where have we gone wrong?’ Many of us are familiar with certain negative trends in the Western Church, and these in spite of money, buildings and Bible schools. What a contrast to the New Testament Church which, although not having these material benefits, embarked on an intentional and effective advance of the Gospel, turning the world around them upside down.

Does your heart long for more? Do you want to be set on fire for God, boldly proclaiming the truth of the gospel, seeing great advances in God’s kingdom? Do you need to be set free from past hurts which hold you back?

All over the world God is speaking to His Church and calling her to rise up, take her rightful place and be all that He has called her to be. Steve Uppal’s Rouse the Warriors is a timely clarion call to the Church to wake up and move from maintenance mode to advancement!

In it he asserts that many in the Body of Christ are functioning well below their potential because they are ‘wounded warriors’ who were once engaged in advancing God’s kingdom, but who have now backed off. The many ‘wounded’ in the Church, looking at life through the lens of pain they carry, have drawn back from community, their fruitfulness diminished. Several chapters are given over to Steve’s call for people to face their pain, be set free from it and become ‘warriors’ for the King.

Steve writes, ‘In my years of preaching and ministering I have noticed that we are often better at listening and reading than we are at applying and obeying. The truth in this book will only help you if it is applied and worked out in your life. The days we are living in are calling for every follower of Christ to rise up and boldly advance the Kingdom of God. I’ve carried this message in my heart for thirty years, since I was thirteen, but it feels more relevant today than ever, and people seem to be responsive.

‘This book is for every culture and for young and old alike. My prayer is that God would use its message to stir many believers into their rightful place in the Body of Christ. This is our moment; we were born for such a time as this. Let the adventure begin!’

What reviewers say:
‘A wonderful book that will inspire you to play your part in all that the Lord has for you and His church. Buy it, read it and, most importantly, live it!’
Gavin Calver, Director of Mission, Evangelical Alliance

Rouse the Warriors is my friend Steve Uppal’s “life message”. Whatever he does, I have always found he stirs the Church to strength, to power, to new possibilities and to defeat the impossible. You can’t help but be stronger when you hang around his life and this message he carries. As you read Rouse the Warriors, the grace of God on Steve’s life will impact you powerfully – get ready to rise, to expand, to stand a lot taller in God and to reach a lot further in grace. This is a life-changing, Church-shaping, world-changing book!’
Jarrod Cooper, Senior Leader, Revive Church

‘You were designed to occupy places of divine promise and to thrive in the midst of them. In his book, Rouse the Warriors, Steve has captured the attitude and the aptitude necessary to do just that. As a leader, Steve is gifted with deeply insightful yet simple principles that will “rouse” every person who is sleepwalking through what may be their greatest moments of opportunity. This is a day to advance! To contend for what has been promised. Don’t treat this moment or this book casually; your life depends on it!’
Bishop Tony Miller, Pastor of The Gate Church, Oklahoma City and Leader of Destiny Network

‘Steve has done the Body of Christ a great service in writing this excellent and ever-timely book. Rouse the Warriors is both inspirational and practical, giving the reader not only vision for what God can do through a life surrendered to Him, but also providing the spiritual tools to rise up from their present state into a life of wholeness, victory and effective service in the Kingdom of God.’
Jonathan Conrathe, Mission24

‘Steve Uppal has written a compelling, prophetic cry to the Church to wake up, hear the word of the Lord and go to war. I heartily agree!’
Roberts Liardon, Author of God’s Generals, Pastor of Embassy Christian Centre, Orlando

‘This powerful and timely publication contains one of the most vital messages the Church in this generation needs to hear. If this work were a weapon it should be part of every believer’s armoury.’
John Glass, previously General Superintendent, Elim Pentecostal Churches (retired)

‘Between these covers you’ll find both information and impartation to rouse the Warrior that exists in the heart of every believer!’
Lawrence Neisent, Pastor of Destiny Church, Oklahoma City

‘This book brings inner healing to realise God’s greatness in you. Every time I am with Steve, I receive a new charge of the Holy Spirit. My prayer is that this book will do that for you also.’
Dr Sharon Stone, CI Europe

‘My advice would be to not read Steve Uppal’s book if you are not prepared to be challenged – it would be best to put it down now and find a more comfortable read. But if you are up for an adventure, even a battle, this could be God’s book for you.’
Steve Clifford, General Director, Evangelical Alliance

‘You will find practical help as well as a great inspirational teaching which will fire you up to make sure that you don’t tolerate the enemy any longer and instead experience how God’s kingdom is a kingdom of victory and not defeat.’
David L’Herroux, CEO of United Christian Broadcasters
Rouse the Warriors by Steve Uppal (ISBN: 9781909728868) is published by Instant Apostle and is available now from Christian bookshops, bookstores and online retailers. Non-fiction, 192pp, £8.99


  • Steve Uppal

    Steve Uppal has been Senior Leader at All Nations, Wolverhampton, since 2001. He is well-known locally, regionally and nationally …

  • Rouse the Warriors

    Steve Uppal

    All over the world, God is calling His Church to rise up, take her rightful place and fulfil her glorious destiny. But time is short …