Three fiction titles shortlisted for Woman Alive Award!

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Three Instant Apostle fiction titles have been shortlisted for the Woman Alive Magazine Readers’ Choice Award at this year’s Christian Resources Together Conference in September. The shortlist consists of 10 titles and our nominated titles are:

The Girl at the end of the Road is Kathryn Hitchins’ striking debut novel. Addressing issues around autism, the protagonist falls in love with an autistic woman and, as a result, is faced with the choice of returning to his superficial life or choosing love.

The key of all Unknown, Kathryn’s second novel, tackles questions around death from both atheistic and faith perspectives. Both these well-received books have unique and intriguing story lines addressing crucial questions of our age.

Soulsight is also a debut novel aimed primarily at young adults. It addresses the current obsession around physical appearance, particularly among teenagers. Its author, Hazel Paine, weaves a gripping story around the concept of ‘Soulsight’, a substance which enables people to see as God sees, beneath the skin to people’s true selves, showing the importance of good character over good looks.

Instant Apostle Senior Publishing Editor, Nicki Copeland, says, ‘Story is a powerful medium, one through which we believe God can speak, and as such Instant  Apostle is committed to publishing high quality fiction for adults, teenagers and children for both the Christian and the general markets. We are delighted that three of the ten shortlisted titles are Instant Apostle books.’

Click here to view the ten nominees on the Woman Alive website and vote for a book of your choice.

  • K A Hitchins

    K A Hitchins studied English, Religious Studies and Philosophy at Lancaster University and obtained a Masters in Postmodern Literatures in …

  • Hazel Paine

    Hazel Paine grew up on the South coast, studied in London and is now loving life in the North of …

  • The Girl at the End of the Road

    K A Hitchins

    High-flying financier Vincent Stevens has lost everything in the economic crash – smart London flat, trophy girlfriend, champagne lifestyle – and is forced to return...

  • Soulsight

    Hazel Paine

    Fitter... faster... stronger... perfection... success!

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    What is she hiding beneath the surface, and what does she know about the mysterious Community?

  • The Key of All Unknown

    K A Hitchins

    Brilliant scientific researcher Tilda Moss wakes up in hospital unable to speak or move and with no recollection of what happened to her.